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52173 并积极为各国在华进行商业采购提供便利。 We are also facilitating other countries' commercial purchase in China.
52174 同时,包括马云公益基金会和阿里巴巴公益基金会在内的很多中国民间机构、企业和地方也都纷纷对外伸出援手。 At the same time, many Chinese enterprises, civil organizations and localities including the Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba Foundation have also been extending a helping hand to foreign countries.
52175 中方的这些善心、善意与善举,体现了中华民族投桃报李的传统美德、中国人民大爱无疆的人道主义情怀。 These acts of kindness embody the traditional Chinese virtue of reciprocating kindness as well as the Chinese people's big heart and humanitarian spirit.
52176 也体现了中国政府兼济天下的大国责任担当,也是对人类命运共同体理念的生动诠释和积极实践。 It is also a vivid illustration and good practice of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind that demonstrates China's sense of global responsibility as a major country.
52177 病毒是全人类共同的敌人。 The virus is a common enemy of all human beings.
52178 国际社会只有团结协作,才能战而胜之。 We can only win this global fight by pulling together.
52179 我们将坚持做正确的事情,继续为他国提供力所能及的支持和帮助,同国际社会同舟共济,直至最终战胜疫情。 China will continue to do the right thing, provide assistance to others as its capacity permits, and work with the international community to secure the final victory against the pandemic.
52180 北京广播电视台记者:4月19日晚,摩尔多瓦使用俄罗斯提供的军机将在华采购及中方捐助的抗疫物资由上海运抵基希讷乌。 Beijing Media Network: On the night of April 19, medical supplies purchased from and donated by China were delivered via Russian military aircraft from Shanghai to Chisinau, Moldova.
52181 摩总统多东在机场接受采访时感谢中方雪中送炭、俄方协助运输,称中俄援助是给摩人民最好的复活节礼物。 In a press interview at the airport, the Moldovan President Dodon thanked Russia and China for their help, saying it's the best Easter present for the Moldovan people.
52182 中方对此有何评论? I wonder if you have any comment?