ID 原文 译文
52183 耿爽:近年来,中摩友好合作关系保持良好发展势头。 Geng Shuang: China-Moldova friendly cooperation has been developing with a good momentum in recent years.
52184 新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,摩方给予中方积极支持。 After the COVID-19 broke out, Moldova gave China support.
52185 多东总统第一时间向习近平主席致信慰问。 President Dodon sent President Xi a letter of sympathies at the earliest time possible.
52186 中方也向摩方提供了力所能及的帮助。 In return, China has also provided support to Moldova to the best of its ability.
52187 两国人民同舟共济、守望相助,体现了深厚的友好情谊。 The practice of mutual assistance demonstrates deep friendship between our two peoples.
52188 中俄是新时代全面战略协作伙伴,在抗击新冠肺炎疫情过程中始终保持着密切合作,共同主张国际社会应当携手应对疫情。 China and Russia, as comprehensive strategic partners of coordination for a new era, have been closely cooperating to fight COVID-19 and promoting concerted international response.
52189 中方将秉持人类命运共同体理念,继续同世界各国加强疫情防控合作,共同维护全球公共卫生安全。 Upholding the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, China will continue cooperating with all countries to jointly safeguard global public health security.
52190 深圳卫视记者:据澳大利亚媒体报道,12日,因中方一架运输援助瓦努阿图抗疫物资的飞机占用维拉港机场跑道时间过长,致使另一架运输飓风救灾物资的澳大利亚飞机无法按原计划降落。 Shenzhen TV: Australian reports say that an Australian plane carrying aid to cyclone-struck Vanuatu was unable to land as scheduled on April 12 as a Chinese plane with medical supplies for Vanuatu was on the tarmac of Port Vila Airport for too long.
52191 你能否证实? Could you confirm this?
52192 澳外长佩恩日前在接受媒体采访时表示,澳人道主义援助运输遭遇推迟令人遗憾,澳方已向中方表达关切。 Australian foreign minister Marise Payne said in an interview that Australia had raised concern with the Chinese side over the regrettable delay of its humanitarian aid shipment.