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52193 中方对此有何评论? What's your comment?
52194 耿爽:你提到的有关报道并不准确。 Geng Shuang: The reports you cited were not accurate.
52195 我们也要对澳方发表的不实言论表示遗憾和不满。 We regret and disapprove the false expressions used by the Australian side.
52196 一位澳大利亚的民航专家已经对此事作出了评论。他认为,是技术因素导致中方的货机卸货进度延误、澳大利亚的货机无法停降。 An Australian civil aviation expert believed technical reasons led to the delayed unloading of supplies from the Chinese cargo plane, as a result of which the Australian aircraft was unable to land.
52197 这种情况在小型机场很常见。他还呼吁澳大利亚媒体不要搞阴谋论。 The expert also said this is very common in small airports and called on Australian media to reject conspiracy theories.
52198 这位专家的看法是客观公正的。 These views are objective and just.
52199 我要强调,中方对疫情给太平洋岛国带来的困难和挑战感同身受,将继续同国际社会一道,向瓦努阿图等岛国提供力所能及的支持和帮助。 I want to stress that China relates to the difficulties and challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic to Pacific island countries and will continue to join the international community in offering assistance to them, including Vanuatu.
52200 也愿意就此加强与澳大利亚等各国的合作。 We also stand ready to step up cooperation with Australia on this.
52201 中方积极帮助太平洋岛国应对疫情是在做好事。澳大利亚媒体不应当掺杂政治考量进行恶意炒作。 As China helps Pacific island countries combat the virus, Australian media should not resort to malicious hype-up with political calculations.
52202 澳个别政客也不应该别有用心推波助澜。 Certain Australian politicians should not aid and abet such attempts with ulterior motives.