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52203 我们希望澳方有关人士摒弃偏见和零和博弈思维,多做有利于岛国应对疫情的事,多做有利于促进中澳互信与合作的事。 We hope certain individuals in Australia will discard the zero-sum game mindset, help island countries' pandemic response, and work to enhance mutual trust and cooperation between China and Australia.
52204 路透社记者:一个关于外国公民通过快捷通道入境的问题。 Reuters: I have a question about the fast-tracking entry into China for foreign nationals.
52205 韩国三星公司表示他们的工程师今天赴西安。 The electronics firm Samsung has confirmed its engineers from South Korea are traveling today to Xi'an.
52206 这些人是否要在中国进行隔离? I want to ask are these workers subject to quarantine in China?
52207 中方同韩国和其他国家有关快捷通道的协议是否允许符合条件的人员免于隔离? Or does the fast track agreement with South Korea and indeed potentially with other countries allow such workers to skip quarantine if they meet certain conditions?
52208 耿爽:我昨天说过,中方正在同有关国家商谈建立重要商务、技术等急需人员往来的快捷通道。 Geng Shuang: Yesterday I shared information on China's discussion with relevant countries regarding the establishment of fast tracks for urgent essential travels including for business and technical purposes.
52209 目的是在切实做好疫情防控的前提下,稳定中国同有关国家的重要经贸合作,保障国际产业链、供应链安全顺畅运行。 The aim is to stabilize important economic and trade cooperation while guaranteeing epidemic prevention and control, and to ensure safe and smooth operation of the international industrial and supply chains.
52210 昨天我也介绍了中方同韩国方面就此达成的一些原则共识。 As I also said, China and the ROK have reached principled consensus on this.
52211 至于你刚才提到的具体案例,三星工程师去西安的问题,我目前还不掌握,恐怕无法给你一个明确回答。会后我可以帮你了解一下。 As to the specific incident you mentioned, including with regard to the Samsung engineers to Xi'an, I'm not aware of it and can only update you later.
52212 中国日报记者:近日,一些美国共和党议员如科顿、霍利、布莱克本、克鲁兹、史密斯等接连提出多项议案,指责中方掩盖疫情,要求对中方进行调查和索赔。 China Daily: Recently some US Republican lawmakers including Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, Marsha Blackburn, Ted Cruz, Jason Smith introduced successive bills accusing China of covering up the COVID-19 pandemic and calling for investigation and compensation.