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52213 中方对此有何评论? What's your comment?
52214 耿爽:美国少数政客为了推卸自身抗疫不力的责任,罔顾事实,诋毁抹黑中方,并且大搞政治操弄。 Geng Shuang: A handful of US politicians, in a bid to find a scapegoat for their inefficient response, disregard facts to denigrate and smear China and even resort to tireless political maneuvering.
52215 在本应该团结抗疫的紧要关头干扰中美合作。 At a crucial moment when solidarity is needed, they are disrupting China-US cooperation.
52216 这种行径不得人心,也无益于控制美国国内疫情。 This defies people's wishes and cannot make the situation in the US any better.
52217 我们奉劝这些美国政客把心思和精力多放在抗击疫情和维护美国人民生命安全和身体健康上,而不是一门心思想着如何去转移视线、推卸责任。 We advise them to focus on fighting COVID-19 and saving American lives, instead of preoccupying themselves with deflecting attention and shifting the blame.
52218 在大家全力抗击新冠病毒的时候,请不要再散播政治病毒。 Please stop spreading political viruses on top of the novel coronavirus that we are already doing all we can to fight.
52219 法新社记者:昨天,加拿大总理特鲁多表示有两架加拿大前往中国运输医疗物资的包机被迫空机返航。 AFP: Yesterday Canadian Prime Minister said that two planes sent to China to pick up shipments of medical supplies were forced to return to Canada empty.
52220 他说这是因为中方限制包机过站时间的问题。 He said it was because of China's ground time limit for charter flights.
52221 你能否确认这一消息?对此有何评论? Can you confirm this news and do you have any comment on that?
52222 耿爽:新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,中加双方相互支持、相互帮助,积极开展应对疫情合作。 Geng Shuang: Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China and Canada have been offering each other support and assistance and conducting anti-pandemic cooperation.