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52223 近期,加方通过各种渠道自行在华采购医疗物资并多次派包机赴上海运输。 Recently, the Canadian side has purchased medical supplies through various channels in China and sent charter flights to Shanghai to bring them home.
52224 中方在物资采购、清关、包机飞行许可等方面为加方提供了积极的协助和便利。 China has been assisting and facilitating the Canadian side in its purchase, customs clearance and charter flight permits.
52225 加方也多次对此表示感谢。 The Canadian side has also expressed thanks for this on various occasions.
52226 关于你提到加方包机空机返回的事情,经向主管部门了解有关的媒体报道并不准确。 As to the incident involving two Canadian flights returning empty, we have checked with the competent department and found relevant reports to be inaccurate.
52227 中方有关机场和空管部门均未对货运包机过站时间进行限制。 Relevant airports and civil aviation authorities place no limit on the ground time of chartered cargo planes.
52228 澎湃新闻记者:据报道,21日,美总统国家安全事务助理奥布莱恩在被问及美国如何对中方进行施压和追责时,奥称我们有很多工具可供使用,包括在美国对中国提起诉讼,中国在世界各地都拥有大量资产。 The Paper: On April 21, White House National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, when pressed to answer how the US plans to hold China accountable, said that the US has many tools at its disposal, including lawsuits in the US against China, and also China has enormous assets around the world.
52229 让我们看看结果如何。 So let's see what comes out of that.
52230 中方对此有何评论? What is your comment?
52231 耿爽:关于他提到诉讼的问题,刚才我已经作了回应,就不重复了。 Geng Shuang: I already responded to a question about such litigation and won't repeat myself.
52232 我这里只想强调,病毒不分国籍,是人类共同的敌人。 I will just stress that the virus knows no borders and this pandemic is the common enemy of mankind.