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52233 大家应该看得很清楚,一些人在这一时刻甩锅、推责、诿过,他们的主要目的是为了掩饰自身的问题。 It is pretty clear now that some people are deflecting their responsibility mainly to cover up their own problems.
52234 我还是要奉劝他们,把时间和精力多放在做好自己的事情上,多为自己的老百姓干些实事。 They'd better invest more time and efforts on their own business and take good care of their people with concrete actions.
52235 The coronavirus pandemic is likely to have a "profound and pervasive impact" on global mental health as billions struggle to cope with isolated living and anxiety spikes, experts warned Thursday. 专家在上周四(4月16日)警告说,当前有数十亿民众苦于应对隔离生活以及焦虑情绪加剧等问题,新冠肺炎疫情很可能对全球心理健康造成严重的普遍性影响。
52236 In a paper published in Lancet Psychiatry, a panel of 24 specialists call for more funding for research into the impacts COVID-19 may have on society's mental well-being. 在发表于英国《柳叶刀·精神病学》期刊上的研究文章中,由24名专家组成的研究小组呼吁增加资金,以研究新冠肺炎可能给社会心理健康造成的影响。
52237 Two accompanying surveys of the British public showed that most people questioned had experienced heightened anxiety and fear of becoming mentally unwell since the pandemic struck. 文章附有两项对英国民众进行的调查,结果显示,自从疫情暴发以来,大多数受访者出现过焦虑情绪加剧以及担心出现心理问题等状况。
52238 "We are all dealing with unprecedented uncertainty and major changes to the way we live our lives as a result of coronavirus," said lead author Emily Holmes from Uppsala University's department of psychology. 文章的主要作者、瑞典乌普萨拉大学心理学系的埃米莉·霍姆斯说:“由于新冠病毒的出现,我们都在应对前所未有的不确定性,以及生活方式的重大变化。”
52239 "Our surveys show these changes are already having a considerable impact on our mental health." “我们的调查显示,这些变化已经对我们的心理健康产生了很大影响。”
52240 The authors called for real-time monitoring of anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicide across the world, as well as the creation of treatment programs that can be accessed remotely. 该文的作者呼吁在全球范围内实时监控焦虑症、抑郁症、自残行为和自杀行为等,并建立远程治疗项目。
52241 "This needs to be on a bigger scale than we have ever seen previously, and must be coordinated, targeted and comprehensive," said Matthew Hotopf, from King's College London's Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience. 英国伦敦大学国王学院神经病学、心理学和神经学研究所的马修·霍托普夫说:相关心理治疗的规模需要超过以往水平,还必须相互协调、具有针对性和全面性。
52242 "Above all, we want to stress that all new interventions must be informed by top notch research to make sure they work." 我们尤其想要强调的是,所有新的干预措施都必须来自一流的研究,以确保能够发挥作用。