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52243 Studies into the mental health impact of previous disease outbreaks, such as the SARS epidemic in the early 2000s, showed a clear increase in suicide rates and the number of health care workers who experience emotional distress. 针对过往疫情(如本世纪初暴发的非典疫情)心理健康影响的结果显示,在此期间,自杀率明显上升,出现情绪困扰的医护人员数量也明显增加。
52244 But the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic is unprecedented, with billions of people forced to isolate at home and no end in sight even after social distancing measures are eased. 而新冠肺炎疫情造成的影响前所未有,数十亿民众被迫居家隔离,即使保持社交距离的措施放松,也看不到结束的迹象。
52245 The surveys, conducted among more than 3,000 people in Britain, showed a wide range of fears arising from the pandemic. 这两项对3000多名英国人开展的调查显示,此次新冠肺炎疫情引发了十分普遍的忧虑情绪。
52246 These include increased anxiety, the effects of social isolation, the fear of becoming mentally unwell and accessing care if needed. 这些负面情绪包括焦虑加剧、社会隔离造成的心理影响、担心出现心理问题,以及担忧在需要时是否得到护理等。
52247 The experts cautioned that these symptoms were likely to continue well in to the future, even after the current round of lockdowns are eased. 专家警告说,这些症状很可能延续很久,即便本轮封锁放松后也会存在。
52248 The authors called for government funding to establish specialised working groups comprised of people with experience of mental health impacts to ensure research and treatment are prioritised. 文章的几位作者呼吁政府资助建立由有心理健康干预经验的人组成的专门工作组,以确保研究和治疗得到优先考虑。
52249 "Increased social isolation, loneliness, health anxiety, stress and an economic downturn are a perfect storm to harm people's mental health and wellbeing," said Rory O'Connor, professor of Health Psychology at the University of Glasgow. 英国格拉斯哥大学健康心理学教授罗里·奥康纳说:社会隔离增加、孤独感、为健康焦虑、精神压力以及经济下滑会严重损害人们的心理健康。
52250 He said that a lack of intervention risked an explosion of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, as well as a rise in alcohol and drug addiction. 他说,缺乏干预或将导致焦虑和抑郁等心理健康问题激增,还会导致酗酒和毒瘾等问题增多。
52251 "The scale of this problem is too serious to ignore, both in terms of every human life that may be affected, and in terms of the wider impact on society." 奥康纳说:这个问题极为严重,不容忽视。不仅个人生活可能受到影响,还会对社会造成更广泛的影响。
52252 在穗外籍人士健康告知书 An open letter to foreign nationals living in Guangzhou regarding health declaration