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52253 当前,新冠肺炎疫情呈全球蔓延态势,为有效防止疫情传播,保障您及家人、公众的生命安全和身体健康,根据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》规定,请您知晓以下事项,理解支持并自觉配合我们采取的疫情防控措施。 At the moment, an increasing number of countries have been hit by the COVID-19 outbreak. In order to effectively prevent the further spread of COVID-19, protect the safety and health of you and your family as well as the general public, we hereby inform you the following items in accordance with the stipulations of Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, we hope you can understand and proactively support our disease prevention and control efforts.
52254 凡14天内有境外旅行居住史的人员,按国家和我省规定,需采集咽拭子检测新冠病毒核酸,并一律实施14天集中隔离医学观察。 1. If you had travelled to another country in the past 14 days, according to the regulations of the state and Guangdong Province, you’re required to take throat swab to go through nucleic acid test for SARS-CoV-2. You’re also required to undergo medical observation at quarantine facilities for 14 days.
52255 在我市居住、商务、旅行的外籍人士,应在入境抵穗当天通过“穗康”微信小程序申报个人健康状况和旅行史,获取“粤康码和穗康码,凭“粤康码和穗康码”出入居住小区、酒店、商场等场所。 2. If you are a foreign national living in Guangzhou, or travelling in Guangzhou for business or leisure, you must declare your personal health status and travel history via the Suikang WeChat Miniprogram upon arrival. You need to obtain a Yuekang Code and a Suikang Code on the Miniprogram. You will need to present your Yuekang Code and Suikang Code when entering into or going out of places such as residential blocks, hotels and shopping malls.
52256 入境后未做过新冠病毒核酸检测的外籍人士,均要进行免费咽拭子采样新冠病毒核酸检测和血清抗体检测,可主动向居住地居委会申报。 If you haven’t received SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test after entering into China, you should go through throat swab based SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test and serum antibody test, both of which are free of charge. You can contact your residential community committees to get tested.
52257 依法服从居住地街道和居委会的健康监测管理。 3. You should abide by the law and follow the health monitoring rules of the local neighbourhood and residential community committees.
52258 按规定配合查验“穗康码”、监测体温和采集咽拭子标本,必要时配合疾病预防控制中心开展流行病学调查。 You should follow the regulations and present your Suikang Code, monitor your body temperature and have your throat swab taken when you are asked to do so. You should also work with disease control centres for epidemiological investigation when necessary.
52259 在我市期间,应做好个人防护,减少外出活动,避免前往人群密集场所,不组织和参加聚会聚餐等群体性活动。 4. During your stay in Guangzhou, you should take proper precautions. You should minimise outdoor activities and avoid visiting crowded places. You should not organise or participate in group activities such as parties or group meals.
52260 乘坐公共交通,进入超市、商场、医院、餐厅时请规范佩戴口罩,并与他人保持合适的距离(1米以上)。 You should wear a mask properly when using public transport, entering into supermarkets, shopping malls, hospitals and restaurants. You should keep a safe distance from the others (more than 1 metre).
52261 请讲究卫生,做好个人健康检测,如出现发热、咳嗽、胸闷、发力等症状,立即主动佩戴口罩,前往就近的医疗机构发热门诊就诊,同时避免乘坐公共交通。 5. Please pay attention to your personal hygiene and closely monitor your health. If you are showing symptoms such as fever, cough, chest tightness and fatigue, etc., you should immediately wear a mask and visit the fever clinic of nearby medical care facilities. You should avoid using public transport under such circumstances.
52262 广州市公共卫生热线电话12320和960169为您提供24小时健康咨询服务。 The Guangzhou public health hot lines 12320 and 960169 offer 24-hour health consultations.