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52343 There’s no question that stay-at-home orders and other physical distancing measures have successfully suppressed transmission in many countries. 无疑,在许多国家,居家令和其他保持人际距离的措施已成功抑制了传播。
52344 But this virus remains extremely dangerous. 但是这种病毒仍然极其危险。
52345 Early evidence suggests most of the world’s population remains susceptible. That means epidemics can easily re-ignite. 早期证据表明,世界上大多数人口仍然易感。这意味着疫情很容易死灰复燃。
52346 One of the greatest dangers we face now is complacency. 我们现在面临的一个最大危险就是自满自足。
52347 People in countries with stay-at-home orders are understandably frustrated with being confined to their homes for weeks on end. 不难理解,在实施居家令的国家,人们连续数周受限在家很难受。
52348 People understandably want to get on with their lives, because their lives and livelihoods are at stake. 由于生命和生计面临威胁,人们自然会期盼生活恢复正常。
52349 That’s what WHO wants too. And that’s what we are working for, all day, every day. 这同样是世卫组织所期盼的。这正是我们每天为之奋斗的目标。
52350 But the world will not and cannot go back to the way things were. 然而,世界不会,也不可能回到从前,一切照旧。
52351 There must be a “new normal” a world that is healthier, safer and better prepared. 必须有一种“新常态” ,有一个更健康、更安全、准备更充分的世界。
52352 The same public health measures we have been advocating since the beginning of the pandemic must remain the backbone of the response in all countries. 自大流行病开始以来,我们一直提倡采取公共卫生措施,这些措施必须是所有国家应对工作的支柱。