ID 原文 译文
52353 Find every case; 找到每一个病例;
52354 Isolate every case; 隔离每一个病例;
52355 Test every case; 检测每一个病例;
52356 Care for every case; 照护每一个病例;
52357 Trace and quarantine every contact; 追踪和隔离每一个接触者;
52358 And educate, engage and empower your people. 并教育本国人民,让他们参与,赋予他们能力。
52359 The fight cannot be effective without empowering people and without the full participation of our people. 不赋予人民能力,没有他们的充分参与,这场斗争就无法取胜。
52360 Countries that don’t do these six central things, and do them consistently, will see more cases, and more lives will be lost. 不执行或不始终如一执行这六项核心任务的国家,将会出现更多的病例,丧失更多的生命。
52361 To be clear, WHO’s advice is to find and test every suspected case, not every person in a population. 需要澄清的是,世卫组织的建议是发现并检测每一个疑似病例,而不是检测人口中的每一个人。
52362 WHO is committed to supporting all countries to save lives. 世卫组织致力于支持所有国家挽救生命。