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52363 And we are also committed to human rights, and to fighting stigma and discrimination wherever we see it. 我们同样致力于人权,并致力于同任何地方的污名化和歧视现象作斗争。
52364 There are disturbing reports in many countries, in all regions, about discrimination related to COVID-19. 在各区域,在许多国家中,都有令人不安的因COVID-19而受歧视的报道。
52365 Stigma and discrimination are never acceptable anywhere at anytime, and must be fought in all countries. 无论何时何地,任何污名化和歧视都是绝不能接受的,所有国家都要与之作斗争。
52366 As I have said many times, this is a time for solidarity, not stigma. 我一再重申,现在是团结的时候,不是污名化的时候。
52367 WHO is also working actively to address the impacts of the pandemic on mental health. 世卫组织还积极应对这场大流行病对心理健康的影响。
52368 Working with mental health experts around the world, WHO has produced technical guidance for individuals and health workers, recognizing the enormous strain they’re under. 世卫组织认识到医务工作者所承受的巨大压力,我们与世界各地的精神卫生专家合作,为个人和医务工作者提供技术指导。
52369 In addition, we’ve also developed a free children’s book about COVID-19 with partners from UNICEF, UNHCR, IFRC and UNESCO among others. 此外,我们还与儿童基金会、难民署、红十字与红新月联会以及教科文组织等合作伙伴一道编写了一本关于COVID-19的免费儿童读物。
52370 In less than two weeks, we received requests to translate the book into more than 100 languages, and the book is now being used among Rohingya children in Cox’s Bazaar, and children in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Greece and Nigeria. 在不到两周的时间里,我们收到了将这本书翻译成100多种语言的申请。正在向考克斯巴扎市的罗辛亚儿童以及叙利亚、也门、伊拉克、希腊和尼日利亚的儿童提供这本书。
52371 One of WHO’s core functions is to provide evidence-based technical advice to countries. 世卫组织的一项核心职能是向各国提供基于证据的技术咨询。
52372 This is not something we do alone. 我们不是孤军奋斗。