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52373 Every day, we work with thousands of experts all over the world to collect, analyze and synthesize the best science, and turn it into guidance that we give back to countries. 每天,我们都与世界各地成千上万的专家合作,收集、分析和综合最好的科学证据,并将它们转化为对各国的指导意见。
52374 Through thousands of hours of discussion, we have exchanged first-hand experience and debated the science to generate the advice that we make available to all countries. 通过长时间讨论,我们交流第一手经验,就科学开展辩论,进而提出对所有国家的建议。
52375 We then work with countries to turn that guidance into action. 尔后,我们与各国合作,将这种指导意见化为行动。
52376 WHO has staff in 150 countries all over the world, working directly with governments, scientists and partners to coordinate national preparedness and response plans, and to implement them. 世卫组织在全球150个国家设有工作人员,他们直接与政府、科学家和合作伙伴合作,以协调国家防范和应对计划并加以实施。
52377 I would like to use this opportunity to thank all my colleagues all over the world, in all 150 countries, for their hard work and commitment. 我愿借此机会感谢全世界150个国家的所有同事们的辛勤工作和全力投入。
52378 In addition, WHO has sent more than 70 surge teams to countries to strengthen surveillance, and provide advice on infection prevention, how to treat patients, risk communication, lab capacity, data management, and much, much more. 此外,世卫组织已向各国派出了70多个快速增援小组,以加强监测,并就感染预防、患者治疗、风险通报、实验室能力、数据管理等提供建议。
52379 We’ve also brought in external support through our Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network GOARN and specialist Emergency Medical Teams, or EMTs. 我们还通过世卫组织的全球疫情警报和反应网络(GOARN)以及专业紧急医疗队网络(EMTs)协调和安排外部支持。
52380 In addition to supporting countries, we also track progress globally. 除了支持国家外,我们还在全球范围内跟踪事态进展。
52381 Among countries that have reported data to WHO, 在向世卫组织报告数据的国家中,有:
52382 78% have a preparedness and response plan in place; 78%的国家制定了防范和应对计划;