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52393 Earlier this week WHO and the International Telecommunication Union announced that we’re partnering with telecommunications companies to reach people directly on their mobile phones with text messages about COVID-19. 本周早些时候,世卫组织和国际电信联盟一道宣布,我们正与电信公司合作,通过手机短信让人们直接了解有关COVID-19的信息。
52394 This will help reach half of the world's population that doesn’t have internet access, starting in the Asia Pacific region and then rolling out globally. 从亚太地区开始,然后推广至全球。这将有助于覆盖全球一半没有接入互联网的人口。
52395 We’re calling on all telecommunications companies globally to join this initiative to help unleash the power of communication technology to save lives. 我们呼吁全球所有电信公司参与这一行动,充分发挥通信技术拯救生命的巨大潜能。
52396 We also issued a call with the World Trade Organization, calling on countries to ensure the normal cross-border flow of vital medical supplies and other goods and services, and to resolve unnecessary disruptions to global supply chains. 我们还与世贸组织一道呼吁各国确保重要医疗用品和其他商品及服务的正常跨境运输,并解决对全球供应链的不必要干扰问题。
52397 We need to ensure these products reach those in need quickly, and we emphasize the importance of regulatory cooperation and international standards. 我们要确保这类产品能够及时送达急需者手中。我们强调监管合作和国际标准的重要性。
52398 Finally, with the holy month of Ramadan starting tomorrow, I would like to wish all Muslims around the world Ramadan kareem. 最后,随着神圣的斋月从明天开始,我谨祝愿全世界所有穆斯林斋月安康。
52399 This is a season of reflection and community an opportunity for kindness and solidarity. 这是一个反思和共享的时节,一个友善和团结的机会。
52400 Earlier today I spoke to health ministers from across the Eastern Mediterranean region. 今天早些时候,我与东地中海区域的卫生部长们进行了交谈。
52401 I assured them that we will stand in solidarity with them, as we will stand with all countries. 我向他们保证,我们将与他们团结战斗在一起,将与所有国家团结战斗在一起。
52402 We’re all in this together. And we will only get through it together. 我们风雨同舟,共克时艰。