ID 原文 译文
52413 女士们,先生们, Ladies and Gentlemen:
52414 大家上午好! Good morning!
52415 感谢格林勋爵的盛情邀请和刚才的热情介绍。 Thank you, Lord Green, for your kind invitation and warm introduction.
52416 正如格林勋爵所说,我担任中国驻英大使10年,曾多次做客亚洲之家,但通过连线这种特殊方式与大家交流还是第一次。 As Lord Green said, being Chinese Ambassador to the UK for more than 10 years, I am no stranger to Asia House, but this is the first time I have joined you on-line.
52417 当世界迈入21世纪第三个十年,新冠肺炎大暴发,给人类带来前所未有的挑战,给世界经济带来前所未有的冲击,给国际格局带来前所未有的影响。 As the world enters the third decade of the 21st century, the outbreak of Covid-19 is posing unparalleled challenges to mankind, striking an unprecedented blow to the world economy and having a profound impact on the international landscape.
52418 这是一场没有硝烟的战争,对每个国家都是一场大考。 In this battle, every country in the world is facing a severe test.
52419 今天,我想从三个方面谈一谈,中国是如何应对这场大考的: How is China doing in this test? Today I would like to share with you my views by answering the following three questions:
52420 一是中国的抗疫斗争对全球抗疫意味着什么? First, what does China’s experience mean to the global response to Covid-19?
52421 二是疫情背景下的中国经济将如何为世界经济注入更大动力? Second, will China continue to be an engine for world economic growth in the context of the pandemic?
52422 三是为什么中国认为,“团结合作是国际社会战胜疫情最有力武器”? Third, why does China believe international solidarity is the most effective weapon against the virus?