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52423 当前,疫情仍在全球扩散蔓延,全球抗疫斗争进入关键阶段。 Currently Covid-19 continues ravaging the world and the global response to this challenge is at a critical moment.
52424 中国是最早向国际社会报告疫情、最早取得疫情防控重要阶段性成效的国家,我认为中国抗疫斗争对全球抗疫具有三大重要意义。 China was the first country to report the virus, and also the first to have achieved preliminary but important success in containing the virus. I think, China’s efforts bear three-fold significance to the global response to this public health crisis.
52425 一是中国抗疫为全球健康安全构筑了坚固的“中国防线”。 First, China has built a strong “line of defence” for global public health.
52426 中国本着对人民负责、为世界担当的精神,迅速采取最全面、最严格、最彻底的防控举措。 In the early days of the outbreak, China acted responsibly and quickly by adopting the most comprehensive, strict and thorough measures of prevention and control in the interest of the Chinese people and the rest of the world.
52427 全国14亿人民团结一心,众志成城,打响一场抗击疫情的人民战争。 Across the nation, 1.4 billion people rallied behind the government and waged a “people’s war” against the virus.
52428 经过艰苦奋战,承受巨大牺牲,中国成为世界上率先控制住国内疫情的国家之一,境内已连续1个月仅呈现零星散发态势,本土疫情传播基本阻断。 After strenuous efforts and enormous sacrifice, China became one of the first countries in the world to have gotten the epidemic under control. For one whole month, there have been only sporadic cases and the spread of the virus within China has been basically cut off.
52429 中国用力量、智慧与牺牲为世界筑牢了捍卫生命和健康的第一道防线。 With persistent efforts, wisdom and sacrifice, China has built the first line of defence for the world, offering protection for life and health.
52430 二是中国抗疫为全球防疫斗争积累了宝贵经验。 Second, China has accumulated valuable experience for the global response to the pandemic.
52431 坚持以人民为中心,一切为了人民,一切依靠人民,始终是抗疫斗争中最鲜明的中国特色; In fighting its battle against the virus, China has always focused its efforts on the welfare of the people and relied fully on the support of the people. This has become the most salient Chinese experience in this battle.
52432 中国迅速构建起从中央到地方、全方位多层次网格状的防控体系,发挥“一方有难、八方支援”的精神,共同打赢武汉保卫战; In record-short time, China established an all-dimensional and multi-layered network of prevention and control involving everyone from the Central Government to the local communities. The whole nation was mobilized to support Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak.