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52433 中国始终坚持向科学要答案、要方案,坚持早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗的防控要求和集中患者、集中专家、集中资源、集中救治的救治原则,坚持中西医结合、中西药并用; The measures that China has taken are based on science. The principles of early diagnosis, early report, early quarantine and early treatment have been followed. Covid-19 patients were admitted into designated hospitals with best experts and sufficient resources for timely and tailored treatment. And both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have been used to treat the patients.
52434 中国高度重视统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,统筹国内效应和全球影响,精准有序推进复工复产。 China attaches great importance to balancing counter-epidemic measures and ensuring economic and social progress. We have kept in mind both domestic and global impacts when taking actions. And we have been working to bring economic activities back to normal gradually.
52435 不少国家领导人称赞,中国抗疫经验值得世界借鉴。 Leaders of many countries have spoken highly of China’s efforts, and recognized that China’s experience offers useful lessons to the world.
52436 三是中国为全球抗疫提供了巨大支援。 Third, China has provided assistance to other countries in the spirit of solidarity.
52437 中国始终秉持公开、透明、负责任的态度,积极开展抗疫国际合作。 China has engaged actively in international cooperation in an open, transparent and responsible manner to deal with the crisis.
52438 中国第一时间通报疫情信息,迅速测出并分享病毒基因序列。 China notified the world about the outbreak without delay, and acted quickly to identify and share the genetic sequence of the virus.
52439 中国毫无保留地与各国分享防控诊疗经验,开设了向所有国家开放的新冠肺炎疫情防控网上知识中心。 At the same time, China has been sharing its experience of prevention, control and treatment with other countries without reservation, and set up an on-line knowledge centre, which is open to all countries.
52440 中国向世卫组织提供2000万美元捐款。 China has donated $20 million to the WHO.
52441 今天,中国又宣布增加3000万美元捐款,用于新冠肺炎疫情防控,支持发展中国家卫生体系建设等工作。 Today, China announced a further donation of $30 million, which will be used on containing Covid-19 and bolstering the public health system in developing countries.
52442 中国向15个国家派遣17支医疗专家组,已经或正在向包括英国在内的150多个国家和国际组织提供了口罩、防护服、检测试剂、呼吸机等急需的医疗物资援助。 China has also sent 17 teams of medical experts to 15 countries. It has provided or is in the process of providing much-needed medical supplies, including masks, protective gowns, testing kits and ventilators, to more than 150 countries and international organisations, including the UK.