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52453 中国经济发展空间广阔,有14亿人口、9亿劳动力、4亿多中等收入群体。 With a population of 1.4 billion, including 900 million workforce and more than 400 million middle-income earners, China enjoys broad prospects for economic growth.
52454 中国人均国内生产总值刚超过1万美元,仅为英国的1/4、美国的1/6,中国城市化率仅有60%,未来增长潜力巨大。 China’s economy has enormous potential for further growth. The per capita GDP has just crossed the $10,000 line, which is only one fourth that of the UK and one sixth that of the US. The urbanization rate only stands at 60%.
52455 中国高度重视统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,生产生活秩序加快恢复,复工达产正在逐步接近或达到正常水平。 As I said earlier, China attaches great importance to balancing counter-epidemic measures and economic and social progress. Within the country, life is gradually returning to normal, and economic activities are approaching or have already returned to the normal track.
52456 目前,全国规模以上工业企业平均开工率达到99%,3月制造业采购经理指数(PMI)比上月回升16.3个百分点。 As of today, 99% of major industrial companies have resumed operation. March manufacturing PMI increased by 16.3 percentage points over February.
52457 根据IMF最新的《世界经济展望》报告,2021年中国经济增速将强劲回升至9.2%。 According to the latest IMF World Economic Outlook, China’s economy will rebound in 2021, growing at 9.2%.
52458 二是中国经济更高质量发展的方向没有改变也不会改变。 Second, China’s economy will pursue high-quality development. This goal has not changed and will not change.
52459 中国在疫情防控常态化前提下,坚持新发展理念,坚持以供给侧结构性改革为主线,完善要素市场化配置体制机制,坚持以改革开放为动力推动高质量发展。 While Covid-19 will remain on the government agenda for some time to come, China has lost no time in turning our attention to the economy. We will continue to follow the new development concept, press ahead with supply-side structural reform, improve market-based allocation of production factors, and pursue high-quality growth through further reforms and opening up wider to the world.
52460 我们以更大的宏观政策力度对冲疫情影响,加大“六稳”工作力度,保居民就业、保基本民生、保市场主体、保粮食能源安全、保产业链供应链稳定、保基层运转,维护经济发展和社会稳定大局。 We have stepped up macro-policy regulation to counter-act the economic impact of Covid-19. Measures have been taken to keep employment, the financial market, foreign trade, investment, FDI and expectations stable. On this basis, we have taken further steps to protect basic livelihood, market entities, food and energy security, stable industrial and supply chains, and normal operation of the grass root communities. All these efforts are aimed at ensuring overall economic growth and social stability.
52461 我们坚定实施扩大内需战略,积极扩大有效投资,敏锐抓住“宅经济”、“云办公”等发展机遇, We have also taken measures to expand domestic demand and increase effective investment. The battle against this pandemic has created new opportunities for development, such as “stay-at-home economy” and “cloud office”. China is seizing these opportunities.
52462 借助互联网、大数据、人工智能等新兴技术,推动数字经济、智能制造、医疗健康等新兴产业快速成长,促进传统产业改造升级,扩大战略性新兴产业投资,积极促进绿色经济发展,加快经济高质量发展步伐。 We will leverage the internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other new technologies to accelerate the development of emerging industries, such as digital economy, smart manufacturing, and medical and health care. Efforts are also being made to transform and upgrade traditional industries, expand investment in strategic and emerging industries, and develop the green economy. These efforts will ensure that China’s economy remains on the track of high-quality growth.