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52463 三是中国作为世界经济“动力源”和“稳定器”的担当没有改变也不会改变。 Third, China will continue to be the powerhouse and stabilizer for the world economy. Our commitment has not changed and will not change.
52464 中国坚定不移扩大对外开放,放宽市场准入,优化营商环境,积极扩大进口,扩大对外投资,保障国际物流畅通,推进共建“一带一路”高质量发展。 China has been committed to opening its market wider to the world. Measures have been taken to increase market access, improve business environment, expand import,increase outbound investment, facilitate unimpeded flow of goods around the world, and promote high-quality cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative.
52465 中国历史最悠久的广交会将于6月中下旬首次在网上举办,中国还将于11月举办第三届中国国际进口博览会,为各国互利合作提供更大机遇。 The 127th China Import and Export Fair will take place online in mid-to-late June. This will be the first time that this longest-running trade event in China will be held online. In November, China will hold the third China International Import Expo. Both events will create huge opportunities for the mutually-beneficial trade and cooperation between countries of the world.
52466 中国推动加强宏观经济政策协调,稳市场、保增长、保民生,确保全球供应链开放、稳定、安全。 China is also calling on the international community to step up macro-policy coordination in order to stabilize the market, secure growth, protect wellbeing, and ensure the global supply chain is open, stable and safe.
52467 作为“世界工厂”的中国经济率先重回正轨,将为世界经济复苏注入强大动力。 On top of that, China is the “factory of the world”. Steady economic growth in China is a strong support for global recovery.
52468 最后,我想谈谈国际社会应如何携手应对疫情。 Now I would like to move to the third part of my speech and talk about how the international community should work together to win the battle against Covid-19.
52469 当下,人们都在争论,疫情使世界变得更团结了,还是更分裂了? The question being asked or debated around the world today is this: Has the pandemic united or divided the world?
52470 我的回答是:疫情使我们再次深刻感受到,人类是一个休戚与共、命运相联的命运共同体。 My answer to this question is this: The on-going battle is living proof that countries of the world belong to one and the same community with a shared future.
52471 团结合作是最有力武器,国际社会只有团结合作、共克时艰,才能最终战胜疫情。 In the battle against the pandemic, cooperation is the most effective weapon if the international community wants to claim final victory over the virus.
52472 一是加强全球行动,打好全球疫情防控阻击战。 First, we need global, unified action to win the battle against Covid-19.