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52473 在不久前举行的二十国集团领导人特别峰会上, At the Extraordinary G20 Leaders’ Summit last month,
52474 习近平主席提出: President Xi Jinping put forth four important proposals:
52475 坚决打好疫情防控全球阻击战、有效开展国际联防联控、积极支持国际组织发挥作用、加强国际宏观经济政策协调4点重要倡议, First, we need to fight a global war. Second, we need to take international collective action. Third, we need to support international organisations in playing their active roles. Fourth, we need to enhance macro-economic policy coordination.
52476 推动开展药物和疫苗联合研发、发起二十国集团抗疫援助倡议、共同维护全球产业链供应链稳定等一系列务实合作,为各国合作应对疫情指明方向。 He also made a number of specific proposals regarding intergovernmental cooperation, including joint R&D of drugs and vaccines, a G20 Covid-19 assistance initiative and joint efforts to stabilize global industrial and supply chains. These could be the areas where countries of the world could work together to meet the challenges of the global public health crisis.
52477 中国将继续与各国加强抗疫合作,展现大国胸怀和担当,为全球抗疫做出应有贡献。 China will continue to enhance cooperation with other countries, shoulder its due responsibilities and contribute to the final victory of this battle.
52478 二是凝聚团结共识,坚定战胜疫情的信心。 Second, we should enhance solidarity and shore up confidence.
52479 病毒没有国界,疫情不分种族。 Virus does not respect borders or discriminate between races.
52480 危机面前,指责与推诿无济于事,傲慢与狂妄害人害己。 In face of the crisis, blaming and scapegoating are futile; arrogance and insolence will only poison the cooperation between countries.
52481 刻意将病毒标签化、抗疫政治化以及对特定国家污名化,更是违背人类道德良知,加剧国际社会分裂,侵蚀国际抗疫合作成果,损害全人类的利益。 It is against human conscience to deliberately put the virus label on a specific region, politicize public health issue and stigmatize a specific country. Such moves will only drive a wedge between countries, undermine international cooperation and harm the interests of all mankind.
52482 各国应该坚决摒弃意识形态偏见,把保护和拯救生命放在第一位,切实形成抗击疫情的最大合力。 It is important that countries of the world reject ideological bias, put lives above everything else and form maximum synergy to bring the pandemic under control.