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52483 三是坚持多边主义,支持国际组织发挥积极作用。 Third, we should uphold multilateralism and support international organisations in playing an active role.
52484 中国坚持多边主义原则,加强和完善以联合国为核心的全球治理体系。 China has been committed to multilateralism. We have been working to strengthen and improve the global governance system with the UN at its core.
52485 疫情发生以来,世卫组织秉持客观科学公正立场,为协调推动国际抗疫合作发挥了重要作用,得到国际社会普遍赞誉。 Since the outbreak of Covid-19, the WHO has taken an objective, scientific and just position, and played an important role in coordinating and promoting international cooperation. This has won extensive recognition from the international community.
52486 中国将一如既往支持世卫组织工作,支持世卫组织在全球抗疫合作中发挥领导作用。 Going forward, China will continue, as always, to support the WHO, including supporting its leadership in the current battle against Covid-19.
52487 中国将积极加强与各国“一带一路”卫生合作,共建“健康丝绸之路”。 China will also work actively to strengthen cooperation on public health with countries along the Belt and Road routes and to join hands with them to build a “Silk Road of Public Health”.
52488 四是促进开放合作,维护开放型世界经济。 Fourth, we should promote inclusive cooperation in order to build an open world economy.
52489 越是面对困难和挑战,我们越要坚持以开放促合作、以合作促发展。 There may be difficulties and headwinds, but they are no reason for us to stop cooperating in an open spirit or seek development through cooperation.
52490 有人鼓噪搞“人为脱钩”和“科技封锁”,这是自我封闭、自我设限、自我倒退。 Advocates of “decoupling” and “technology blockade” would only find themselves in self-imposed isolation, restriction and retrogression.
52491 中国将坚定不移扩大改革开放,积极推动各方加强宏观经济政策协调,着眼“后疫情时代”, China will remain committed to reform and opening up, and enhance coordination of macro-economic policy with other countries. We will begin to focus on what we should do after the pandemic.
52492 采取一切必要举措,维护全球产业链供应链稳定,促进贸易投资自由化便利化,共同建设开放型世界经济。 This includes taking all necessary measures to ensure the stability of global industrial and supply chains, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and build an open world economy.