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52493 女士们,先生们, Ladies and Gentlemen:
52494 中英是国际抗疫合作的重要伙伴。 China and the UK are important partners in this battle against the virus.
52495 习近平主席与约翰逊首相一个多月来两次通电话,共同传递了携手战胜疫情的坚定决心。 In a matter of one month, President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Boris Johnson had two telephone conversations. This demonstrates the firm determination of our two countries to work together to meet the challenge of this public health crisis.
52496 中英正加强防疫信息分享和经验交流,加强科研攻关合作。 At the moment, our two countries are sharing information and experience and conducting joint scientific research.
52497 中英两国都坚定支持多边主义,支持世卫组织在全球抗疫中发挥重要作用,支持加强在二十国集团框架内的抗疫合作,推动完善全球卫生治理。 We are both advocates of multilateralism. We are both supporters of the important role of the WHO in a united global response. We are both proponents of international cooperation under the framework of the G20. And we are both promoters of better global governance on public health.
52498 在这个抗击疫情的重要时刻,中英要展现担当,守望相助,排除杂音和干扰,为双方合作增加正能量,为全球公共卫生安全做出新贡献。 At this crucial moment, it is important that China and the UK take up our responsibilities, stand with each other, and resist noises and disruptions. We should add positive energy into our joint response to the pandemic and make new contribution to global public health.
52499 我相信,疫情过后,中英关系将更加成熟、强劲,双方合作将更加广泛、深入,两国人民友谊将更加牢固、持久! I am confident that China and the UK will emerge from this test with more mature and robust relationship, broader and deeper cooperation, and stronger and enduring friendship between our peoples.
52500 中国有一句古语,“积力之所举则无不胜,众智之所为则无不成”。 As a Chinese saying goes, “Victory is ensured when people pool their strength; success is secured when people put their heads together.”
52501 中国愿与包括英国在内的国际社会一道,坚定必胜信念,加强团结合作,携手共克时艰,共同战胜疫情,共创世界美好未来! China stands ready to join hands with the international community, including the UK, shore up confidence and address the current difficulties. Together we will win this battle against the virus. Together we will create a better and brighter future for the world!
52502 谢谢。 Thank you.