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52523 There is also some evidence that, in general, viruses on surfaces die more quickly when directly exposed to sunlight. 还有一些证据表明,通常情况下,当直接暴露在阳光下时,表面上的病毒死亡更快。
52524 But we don't know how much or how long they have to be exposed for UV light to have an effect, so you're far safer just washing your hands and surfaces and trying not to touch your face. 但我们不知道它们必须暴露多少或多长时间才能产生紫外光的效果,所以你只需洗手和洗脸,尽量不触摸你的脸,就会安全得多。
52525 Crucially, this is only about infected objects and surfaces - not about what happens once the virus is inside your body. 至关重要的是,这只是关于受感染的物体和表面,而不是关于一旦病毒进入你的身体会发生什么。
52526 One of the main ways of catching the virus is by breathing in droplets expelled by an infected person, mainly by sneezing and coughing. 感染病毒的主要方式之一是吸入感染者排出的飞沫,主要是通过打喷嚏和咳嗽。
52527 The virus very quickly begins to multiply and spread, eventually reaching the lungs. 病毒很快开始繁殖和传播,最终到达肺部。
52528 Not only does consuming or injecting disinfectant risk poisoning and death, it's not even likely to be effective. 食用或注射消毒剂不仅有中毒和死亡的风险,甚至不太可能有效。
52529 Equally, by the time the virus has taken hold inside your body, no amount of UV light on your skin is going to make a difference. 同样,当病毒在你体内扎根的时候,皮肤上再多的紫外线也不会有什么不同。
52530 And since UV radiation damages the skin, using it to kill the virus could be a case of - to borrow a well-worn phrase - the cure being worse than the disease. 由于紫外线辐射会损害皮肤,借用一句老生常谈的话来说,用它来杀死病毒可能是一个比疾病更糟糕的治疗方法。
52531 What's the reaction been to Trump's comments? 对特朗普的言论有何反应?
52532 Doctors warned the president's idea could have fatal results. 医生警告说,总统的想法可能会产生致命的后果。