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52533 Pulmonologist Dr Vin Gupta told NBC News: 肺病学家Vin Gupta博士告诉NBC新闻:
52534 "This notion of injecting or ingesting any type of cleansing product into the body is irresponsible and it's dangerous." “将任何类型的清洁产品注射或摄取到人体内的想法是不负责任的,而且是危险的。“
52535 "It's a common method that people utilise when they want to kill themselves." “当人们想自杀时,这是一种常见的方法。”
52536 Kashif Mahmood, a doctor in Charleston, West Virginia, tweeted: 西弗吉尼亚州查尔斯顿的医生卡希夫·马哈茂德(Kashif Mahmod)在推特上写道:
52537 "As a physician, I can't recommend injecting disinfectant into the lungs or using UV radiation inside the body to treat Covid-19." “作为一名医生,我不能推荐在肺部注射消毒剂或在体内使用紫外线辐射来治疗Covid-19。”
52538 "Don't take medical advice from Trump." “不要听从特朗普的医疗建议。”
52539 John Balmes, a pulmonologist at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, warned that even breathing fumes from bleach could cause severe health problems. 扎克伯格旧金山总医院的肺科医生约翰·巴尔姆斯警告说,即使是呼吸漂白剂产生的烟雾也可能导致严重的健康问题。
52540 He told Bloomberg News: "Inhaling chlorine bleach would be absolutely the worst thing for the lungs. The airway and lungs are not made to be exposed to even an aerosol of disinfectant. 他告诉彭博新闻社:“吸入氯漂白剂对肺部绝对是最糟糕的事情。气道和肺部甚至不会暴露在消毒剂的气雾剂中。”
52541 "Not even a low dilution of bleach or isopropyl alcohol is safe. It's a totally ridiculous concept." “即使是低浓度的漂白剂或异丙醇也不安全。这是一个完全荒谬的概念。”
52542 Mr Trump has previously hyped a malaria medication, hydroxycloroquine, as a possible treatment for coronavirus, though he has stopped touting that drug recently. 特朗普之前曾大肆宣扬疟疾药物羟基环喹可能是治疗冠状病毒的药物,尽管他最近已经不再兜售这种药物。