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52600 Health experts say a shortage of test kits means the United States may be underestimating the extent of the virus outbreak. 卫生专家说,缺少检测工具意味着美国可能低估了病毒暴发的规模。
52601 A study this week indicated that the novel coronavirus was likely far more widespread than official figures suggest. 本周的一项研究表明,新冠病毒的传播范围很可能比美国官方数字显示的要广得多。
52602 Blood samples taken from 3,300 volunteers in Santa Clara County showed the true number of COVID-19 cases was at least 50 times higher than the number of confirmed infections in the county, according to the study by Stanford researchers. 斯坦福大学开展的一项研究显示,从圣克拉拉县3300名志愿者身上采集的血液样本显示,该县新冠肺炎病例的实际数量至少比此前官方公布的数量高出50倍。
52603 Santa Clara was among the first areas in the US to tell residents to stay at home to contain the spread of the virus, ordering a shutdown from March 17. 圣克拉拉县是美国首批要求居民居家隔离控制病毒传播的地区之一,并下令从3月17日起实行封锁。
52604 The United States has recorded more than 800,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic, according to a tally from Johns Hopkins University, with over 45,000 deaths -- the most reported of any country. 据约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的统计,自新冠肺炎疫情开始以来,美国确诊病例已达80多万例,死亡病例超过4.5万例,是报告死亡病例最多的国家。
52605 자가격리 위반자 27일부터 안심밴드 채운다 自我隔离违反者将从27日开始佩戴放心带
52606 자가 격리 위반자가 안심밴드 착용을 거부하면 정부가 지정한 별도 시설에 격리된다. 如果违反自我隔离的人拒绝佩戴放心带,将被隔离到政府指定的其他设施。
52607 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 확산을 막기 위한 조치다. 这是为了防止新型冠状病毒感染症(COVID-19病毒)疫情的扩散而采取的措施。
52608 24일 중앙재난안전대책본부(중대본)에 따르면 정부는 자가 격리 지침 위반자에게 27일부터 안심밴드를 채운다. 24日,据中央灾难安全对策本部透露,政府将从27日开始给违反自我隔离方针的人戴上放心带。
52609 자가 격리자가 이탈하면 지방자치단체 공무원과 경찰이 현장에 출동해 위반 사실을 확인한 안심밴드를 채운다. 如果自我隔离者离开,地方自治团体公务员和警察赶往事发现场,确认违反事实后给违反者戴上放心带。