ID 原文 译文
52630 Changes in the environment 环境变化
52631 Human activities have resulted in major changes in the environment.  人类活动已导致环境发生重大变化。
52632 By altering land use–for settlement, agriculture, logging, extractive or other industries and their associated infrastructure–humans fragment and encroach into animal habitats.  改变土地用途用于定居、农业、伐木、采矿或其他行业的发展及其相关基础设施的修建,导致人类侵占了动物栖息地并使之割裂、碎片化。
52633 They destroy the natural buffer zones that would normally separate humans from animals, and create opportunities for pathogens to spill over from wild animals to people. 它们破坏了通常会将人与动物分割开的天然缓冲区,并为病原体从野生动物传播到人类身上创造了机会。
52634 Climate change–primarily the result of greenhouse gas emissions–exacerbates the situation. 主要是温室气体排放的结果气候变化——主要是温室气体排放的结果——加剧了这种情况。
52635 Changes in temperature, humidity and seasonality directly affect the survival of microbes in the environment; and evidence suggests that disease epidemics will become more frequent, as the climate continues to change.  温度、湿度和季节的变化直接影响环境中微生物的生存; 有证据表明,随着气候变化不断加剧,疾病的产生和流行将更加频繁。
52636 Rapid climate change is challenging to those with fewer resources for responding quickly, leaving them more vulnerable and amplifying their risk of harm from the spread of zoonotic disease. 气候的迅速恶化对那些缺乏资源,无法迅速做出反应的人构成挑战,使他们更加脆弱,并加剧了人畜共患病传播的危害风险。
52637 Changes in pathogen hosts 病原体宿主的变化
52638 Changes in human and animal populations that serve as hosts for certain pathogens are also often the effects of human activities.  They may be related to migration, urbanization, changing dietary preferences, trade demands, and travel. 病原体在人和动物等宿主中的变化通常也受人类活动的影响,可能与移民、城市化、饮食偏好的变化、贸易需求和旅行有关。
52639 In many developing countries, economic growth and demographic shifts from rural to urban areas have stimulated consumer demand for dairy and meat products in cities.  在许多发展中国家,经济增长和人口从农村向城市的转移刺激了城市消费者对乳制品和肉制品的需求。