ID 原文 译文
52660 What can be done 可以做什么
52661 Addressing zoonotic disease emergence requires addressing its root cause–primarily, the impact of human activities on ecosystems. 解决人畜共患病的出现需要解决其根本原因,主要是人类活动对生态系统的影响。
52662 This means recognizing the close relationships between human, animal and environmental health.  这意味着要充分认识到人类、动物与环境健康之间的密切关系。
52663 It means increased monitoring of human and wildlife health in landscapes that are at the beginning of transformation process to develop baselines, improve understanding and preparedness for potential outbreaks, and inform development to minimize risks to both humans and nature.   这意味着在转变的最初,就应加强对生态系统中人类和野生动植物健康的监测,以制定基准,提高对潜在疾病爆发的认识和准备,并为发展提供相关建议和信息,以最大程度地降低对人类和自然的风险。
52664 And it calls for collaborative, multisectoral, transdisciplinary and international efforts, as encapsulated by the One Health approach. 它呼吁实施“人类、动物与生态环境健康一体”方法(One Health)所倡导的合作、多部门、跨学科和国际努力。
52665 With a global population nearing 10 billion, Andersen is emphatic that 2020 is "a year when we will have to fundamentally re-shape our relationship with nature." 随着全球人口接近100亿,安德森强调2020年是“我们将必须从根本上重塑我们与自然的关系的一年。”
52666 UNEP, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, and hundreds of partners across the planet are launching a 10-year effort to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide. 联合国环境规划署、联合国粮食及农业组织以及全球数百个合作伙伴正在开展为期十年的努力,以预防、制止和扭转全球生态系统的退化。
52667 Known as the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030, this globally-coordinated response to the loss and degradation of habitats will focus on building political will and capacity to restore humankind's relation with nature. 这种在全球范围内合作开展的,旨在遏制生态系统丧失和退化的倡议被称为“2021-2030联合国生态系统恢复十年”倡议,其重点是凝聚政治意愿,提升整体能力,以恢复人类与自然的关系。
52668 It will be a direct response to the call from science, as articulated in the Special Report on Climate Change and Land of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and to the decisions taken by all UN Member States in the Rio Conventions on climate change and biodiversity, and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. 这一倡议是对政府间气候变化专门委员会《气候变化与土地问题特别报告》中明确提出的科学呼吁,以及联合国所有会员国在《里约公约》中就气候变化和生物多样性所做决定,以及 联合国防治荒漠化公约的直接响应。
52669 UNEP is also working with world leaders to develop a new and ambitious Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and bringing emerging issues (such as zoonotics) to the attention of decision makers. 环境署还与世界各国领导人合作,致力于制定一个雄心勃勃的全新2020年后全球生物多样性框架,其中,已将一些新兴问题(如人畜共患病)纳入其中,以引起决策者注意。