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52700 为保护全球各地人民免遭COVID-19带来的痛苦及其破坏性的社会和经济后果,我们这些全球卫生行动机构(比尔及梅琳达•盖茨基金会、流行病防范创新联盟、全球疫苗和免疫联盟、全球基金、国际药品采购机制、威康信托基金、世卫组织)、私营部门伙伴及其他利益攸关方率先发起一项具有里程碑意义的、全球性的和有时限的合作计划,以加快开发、生产和全球公平获取抗击COVID-19的新的基本卫生技术。 Grounded in a vision of a planet protected from human suffering and the devastating social and economic consequences of COVID-19, we, an initial group of global health actors (BMGF, CEPI, Gavi, Global Fund, UNITAID, Wellcome Trust, WHO) and private sector partners and other stakeholders, are launching a landmark, global and time-limited collaboration to accelerate the development, production and equitable global access to new COVID-19 essential health technologies.
52701 我们知道,只要有任何人受到这种病毒的威胁,整个世界都会受到威胁。 We know that as long as anyone is at risk from this virus, the entire world is at risk.
52702 地球上的每一个人都需要获得保护,以免受到这一疾病的伤害。 Every single person on the planet needs to be protected from this disease.
52703 我们认为,除了采取循证公共卫生措施之外,还需要以创纪录的时间、创纪录的规模和覆盖范围,针对COVID-19,提供新颖的诊断工具、治疗方法和疫苗,以拯救数以百万计人的生命和避免巨大的经济损失,使世界回归“正常”。 We agree that alongside evidence-based public health measures, innovative COVID-19 diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines are needed in record time and at record scale and access to save millions of lives and countless trillions of dollars, and to return the world to a sense of ‘normalcy’.
52704 我们认识到,世界各地已为加快开发和部署创新的COVID-19抗疫产品和干预措施开展了大量重要工作,投入了大量资金,并制定了大量计划。 We recognize the significant amount of critical work, investment and initiatives already ongoing around the world to expedite the development and deployment of innovative COVID-19 related products and interventions.
52705 我们意识到,虽然创新产品的开发和部署极为重要,但仍不够。 We appreciate that while development and deployment of innovative products is essential, it will not be enough.
52706 我们必须同时抓紧加强可持续的卫生系统和能力,以便能向需要的人提供新的COVID-19抗疫工具,并减轻对其他疾病的连锁影响。 We must simultaneously and urgently accelerate the strengthening of sustainable health systems and capacities to enable delivery of the new COVID-19 tools to those who need them and to mitigate the knock-on impact on other diseases.
52707 过去的经验教训表明,即使世界上已有有效的工具,但往往有些人受到保护,而另一些人受不到保护。这种不平等现象是不可接受的。 We remember lessons from the past, which have shown that even when effective tools are available to the world, too often some are protected, while others are not.
52708 用于抗击COVID-19的所有工具都必须对所有人开放。 This inequity is unacceptable all tools to address COVID-19 must be available to all.
52709 在抗击COVID-19的战斗中,不应遗漏任何人。 In the fight against COVID-19, no one should be left behind.