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52710 我们知道,我们无法独自做到这一点。我们需要与政治领导人、公共和私营部门合作伙伴、民间社会、学术界以及全社会所有其他利益攸关方一道努力,结成前所未有的包容性伙伴关系,利用我们各自的比较优势和各自的声音,推动采取集体解决办法,加速开展工作,使所有人都能获得有关工具。 We understand we cannot do this alone, and that we need to work together in unprecedented and inclusive partnership with all stakeholders political leaders, public and private sector partners, civil society, academia, and all other stakeholders across society jointly leveraging our comparative strengths and respective voices to drive towards collective solutions, an accelerated path, and access for all.
52711 我们一道采取行动,就会更为强大,更为迅速,更为有效。 We are stronger, faster and more effective working together.
52712 我们的使命是,不仅应加快COVID-19新工具的开发和供应,而且应加速全球公平获得安全、优质、有效和负担得起的COVID-19诊断工具、治疗方法和疫苗,确保在抗击COVID-19的斗争中,不遗漏任何人。 Our Mission is not only accelerated development and availability of new COVID-19 tools it is to accelerate equitable global access to safe, quality, effective, and affordable COVID-19 diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines, and thus to ensure that in the fight against COVID-19, no one is left behind.
52713 我们的承诺 Our Commitment
52714 我们承诺致力于实现共同目标,使全球所有人都能平等获得COVID-19的创新工具。 We commit to the shared aim of equitable global access to innovative tools for COVID-19 for all.
52715 我们承诺致力于开展空前合作,积极主动地与各利益攸关方接触,调整和协调努力,加强现有合作,共同设计解决办法,并在尊重科学的基础上以透明方式建立我们的合作伙伴关系。 We commit to an unprecedented level of partnership proactively engaging stakeholders, aligning and coordinating efforts, building on existing collaborations, collectively devising solutions, and grounding our partnership in transparency, and science.
52716 我们承诺大力统一发声,最大限度地扩大影响。 We commit to create a strong unified voice to maximize impact.
52717 我们认识到,这不是要建立统一的决策权威机构,而是相互联系和相互包容,集体采取解决办法,使所有利益攸关方都可以加入并受益于这一务实的共享平台所提供的专门技能、知识和活动。 We recognize that this is not about singular decision-making authority, but rather collective problem-solving, interconnectedness and inclusivity, where all stakeholders can connect and benefit from the expertise, knowledge and activities of this shared action-oriented platform.
52718 我们承诺在以往经验的基础上努力实现这一目标,包括确保全球公平参与我们开展的每项活动,并确保倾听最受影响社区的呼声。 We commit to build on past experiences towards achieving this objective, including ensuring that every activity we undertake is executed through the lens of equitable global access, and that the voices of the communities most affected are heard.
52719 我们承诺对全世界、对各社区、对彼此负责。 We commit to be accountable to the world, to communities, and to one another.