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52720 我们本着团结互助精神,共同履行和实现我们的使命和愿景,为全人类服务。 We are coming together in the spirit of solidarity, and in the service of humanity, to achieve our mission and vision.
52721 我们的呼吁 Our Call
52722 我们促请国际社会和政治领导人支持开展这一空前合作计划,并促请各捐助方在2020年5月4日启动的滚动认捐运动中,提供必要的资源,以加快实现这一全球合作计划的各项目标。 We ask the global community and political leaders to support this landmark collaboration, and for donors to provide the necessary resources to accelerate achievement of the objectives of this global collaboration, capitalizing on the opportunity provided by the rolling pledging campaign that will start on 4 May 2020.
52723 The COVID-19 epidemic, a global public health crisis, resonates particularly strongly with UNESCO's core missions. 新冠疫情是一场全球公共卫生危机,它与教科文组织的核心使命息息相关。
52724 The Organisation, through its sites and through its partnerships and cooperation with territories throughout the world, is committed to supporting and enhancing scientific, cultural, and educational cooperation and promotes solidarity-initiatives that enable us today to face together this unprecedented crisis. 通过世界地质公园和与世界各地风景名胜的伙伴关系与合作,本组织致力于支持和加强科学、文化和教育合作,并促进团结。这些举措使我们今天能够共同面对这一空前的危机。
52725 UNESCO Global Geoparks are territories with geological heritage of international importance but are also innovative territories for local and sustainable economic development, quality education, and resource preservation. 联合国教科文组织世界地质公园既是具有国际意义的地质遗产地,也是促进地方和可持续经济发展、优质教育和资源保护的创新实验室。
52726 Recognized by UNESCO, these 147 Geoparks, spread over the 5 continents and over 40 countries, work together, on a daily basis, for a more resilient future. 这147个获得教科文组织认证的地质公园分布在5个大陆和40多个国家。日复一日,它们为了建设一个更具韧性的未来而共同努力。
52727 While emphasizing the interaction between socio-economic development and the preservation of natural resources, UNESCO Global Geoparks are developing new approaches to our relationship with nature and remain, 在强调社会经济发展与保护自然资源之间的相互作用的同时,教科文组织世界地质公园正在探索新的方式来处理我们与自然的关系。
52728 in times of crisis, dynamic and living territories, as they have once again proven in recent weeks, whether in Japan, Portugal, Canada, Ireland, France or Thailand. 最近几周,日本、葡萄牙、加拿大、爱尔兰、法国和泰国的世界地质公园证明:即使在危机时期,世界地质公园仍然充满活力、生机勃勃。
52729 Unesco Global Geoparks, engaging and supporting communities 联合国教科文组织世界地质公园与社区保持接触,为社区提供支持