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52730 There are many examples of community support, in particular through civic and scientific education, demonstrating the strong bond between UNESCO Global Geoparks and their territories. 许多社区支持的案例彰显了教科文组织世界地质公园与其所在地区之间的牢固联系,特别是通过公民和科学教育。
52731 Indeed, they mobilize political and scientific actors, as well as businesses and inhabitants in their territories, and foster synergies for their development, by establishing strong partnerships and participative and sustainable projects. 事实上,它们通过建立强有力的伙伴关系以及参与性和可持续的项目,动员政治和科学主体及其所在地区的企业和居民,以发挥协同作用,促进它们的发展。
52732 In order to assure the involvement of their inhabitants and communities, Geoparks continue to propose participatory science actions, 为了确保居民和社区的参与,疫情期间,世界地质公园继续发起参与性的科学行动。
52733 as in the Naturtejo UNESCO Global Geopark in Portugal, which takes advantage of the confinement to launch an inventory of fossils that can be found in the built heritage, in the very walls and foundations of their houses, 例如,葡萄牙纳图特乔世界地质公园推出了一份化石清单,向当地居民介绍他们可以在建筑遗产中、在其房屋的墙壁和地基中找到哪些化石。
52734 and also develops solidarity actions. 该地质公园还发起了一系列互助行动。
52735 In the Massif des Bauges UNESCO Global Geopark, in France, a participative platform of initiatives enables the inhabitants to be linked up for exchanges of services, but also supports the most disadvantaged in the face of the health crisis: 法国博日世界地质公园发起了一个参与性的倡议平台,使居民能够彼此联络以互相帮助,并为健康危机之下的最弱势群体提供支持:
52736 some offer to do the shopping for the elderly or to maintain a social link by telephone with isolated people, while others offer to repair remote computer systems for teleworkers. 一些人主动为老年人购物或通过电话和那些与外界隔绝的人们保持社会联系,另一些人则为远程工作者维修远程办公系统。
52737 In Thailand, in the Satun UNESCO Global Geopark, local textile companies manufacture masks in the Geopark's colours to protect the community. 在泰国沙敦世界地质公园,当地纺织企业生产地质公园颜色的口罩,以保护当地社区的健康。
52738 Through their communication with the inhabitants, Geoparks also contribute to the enforcement of safety regulations and state directives: in the Itogawa UNESCO Global Geopark in Japan, for example, mascots now wear masks, and the logo has been modified to promote social distancing. 通过向居民做宣传工作,地质公园还为执行安全条例和国家政策做出贡献:例如,在日本系鱼川世界地质公园让吉祥物戴起了口罩,并对标志做了修改,以宣传保持社交距离。
52739 The Imbabura Geopark in Ecuador sends positive messages to its inhabitants encouraging them to respect the containment through videos and images in the different indigenous languages spoken in the territory. 厄瓜多尔因巴布拉世界地质公园向其居民发出积极的信息,通过视频和图像、用该地区使用的不同土著语言动员他们遵守隔离措施。