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52780 This mortality rate of 50.7 percent among all people admitted to intensive care is slightly lower than in ICNARC's last report at the start of April - which put the death rate at 51.6 percent. 在所有接受重症监护的人中,这一死亡率为50.7%,略低于ICNARC在4月初的上一份报告--后者认为死亡率为51.6%。
52781 The report analysed data on patients with confirmed Covid-19 from 286 NHS critical care units in England, Wales and Northern Ireland taking part in the ICNARC programme, up to 4pm on April 23. 该报告分析了来自英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰参加ICNARC计划的286个NHS重症监护病房确诊的新型冠状病毒患者的数据,截至4月23日下午4点。
52782 According to ICNARC data, one in five Covid-19 patients under the age of 40 have died after being admitted to intensive care. 根据ICNARC的数据,每五名40岁以下的新型冠状病毒患者中就有一人在入院重症监护后死亡。
52783 The latest report found that, in the 16-39 age group, 66 patients (21.6 percent) died in critical care, while some 240 (78.4 percent) in this age group were discharged. 最新报告发现,在16至39岁年龄组中,66名患者(21.6%)死于危重护理,而这一年龄组中约240名患者(78.4%)已出院。
52784 The mortality rate is currently higher for men and increases with age, the data shows. 数据显示,目前男性的死亡率更高,并且随着年龄的增长而增加。
52785 The largest number of deaths were among those aged between 60-69, at 701 patients, followed by the 70-79 age bracket, with 617 reported. 死亡人数最多的是60-69岁的人群,有701名患者,其次是70-79岁的人群,据报告有617人。
52786 The data by ICNARC, which includes information on age, gender and ethnicity, now also looks at the index of multiple deprivation, which ranks the poorest neighbourhoods by postcode. ICNARC的数据包括年龄、性别和种族方面的信息,现在还考察了多重剥夺指数,该指数根据邮政编码对最贫穷的社区进行排名。
52787 Research shows that 1,591 (24.7 percent) of 6,720 critically-ill coronavirus patients were from the most deprived areas - compared with 14.8 per cent from the least deprived. 研究表明,6720名危重冠状病毒患者中有1591人(24.7%)来自最贫困的地区,而最贫困地区的这一比例为14.8%。
52788 The largest number of Covid-19 patients remains in London, with 2,199 being managed by the three London Operational Delivery Networks - the system of co-ordinating patient care across the capital. 伦敦仍有最多的新型冠状病毒患者,其中2199人由伦敦三大运营递送网络(London Operational Delivery Network)管理,这是一个协调整个首都患者护理的系统。
52789 Critical care units involved in the initiative are asked to notify ICNARC as soon as they have an admission with Covid-19 and provide data at different points of their treatment. 参与该倡议的重症监护病房被要求在入院时立即通知ICNARC,他们感染了新型冠状病毒,并提供了不同治疗点的数据。