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52810 And in all we do, let’s never forget: 我们不管做什么都千万不要忘记:
52811 The threat is the virus, not people. 我们面临的威胁是病毒而不是人。
52812 We must ensure that any emergency measures including states of emergency are legal, proportionate, necessary and non-discriminatory, have a specific focus and duration, and take the least intrusive approach possible to protect public health. 我们必须确保包括紧急状态在内的任何紧急措施都具有合法性、相称性和必要性,绝不能带有歧视,还要有明确的重点和具体时限,以侵入性尽可能最小的方法保护公众健康。
52813 The best response is one that responds proportionately to immediate threats while protecting human rights and the rule of law. 凡是能对当前威胁作出相称反应,同时保护人权和法治的办法,就是最好的对策。
52814 Looking ahead, we need to build back better. 展望未来,我们要重建得更好。
52815 The Sustainable Development Goals which are underpinned by human rights provide the framework for more inclusive and sustainable economies and societies. 以人权为依托的各项可持续发展目标,可为打造更具包容性和更可持续的经济和社会提供框架。
52816 Strengthening economic and social rights bolsters resilience for the long haul. 加强经济和社会权利有助于增强长期复原力。
52817 The recovery must also respect the rights of future generations, enhancing climate action aiming at carbon neutrality by 2050 and protecting biodiversity. 复苏还必须尊重子孙后代的权利,同时加强气候行动,以便到2050年实现碳平衡和保护生物多样性。
52818 We are all in this together. 我们要同舟共济。
52819 The virus threatens everyone. 病毒威胁每个人。