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52820 Human rights uplift everyone. 人权则使人民得到升华。
52821 By respecting human rights in this time of crisis, we will build more effective and inclusive solutions for the emergency of today and the recovery for tomorrow. 在此危机时刻,我们一定要尊重人权,以更有效和更包容的办法化解当前的突发事件,迎来明天的复兴。
52822 Thank you. 谢谢。
52823 新华社记者:日前,武汉至杜伊斯堡的中欧班列恢复运行,满载抗疫物资驶向德国,标志着自中国开行的中欧班列全部恢复了去程运输。 Xinhua News Agency: China-Europe freight train service from Wuhan to Duisburg recently resumed regular operation, delivering medical supplies to Germany, which means all westbound rail service starting from China are normalized.
52824 你能否进一步介绍疫情期间中欧班列的运行情况? Can you give us more details on the operation of the freight train service amid the pandemic?
52825 耿爽:最近外界对于中欧班列的关注和报道不少,中国有关部门已经对外介绍了一些情况。这里我再强调几点: Geng Shuang: Recently there has been much attention and many reports on China-Europe freight trains. Relevant Chinese departments have offered some information. I'd like to emphasize the following points.
52826 一、相比空运和海运,国际铁路联运分段运输具有人员检疫限制相对较少、运行相对安全稳定的优势。新冠肺炎疫情的发生进一步凸显了这些优势。 First, compared with shipment by air and sea, international transport of goods via railway network has the advantage of fewer personnel quarantine checks and safer, more stable operation, which takes on greater significance amid the pandemic.
52827 今年一季度,中欧班列共开行1941列,发运货物17.4万标箱,同比分别增长15%和18%。4月份,中欧班列延续增长势头。 In the first quarter of 2020, the China-Europe freight trains made a total of 1,941 trips and transported 174,000 TEUs of goods, up 15 percent and 18 percent year on year respectively. In April, the numbers are still growing.
52828 二、疫情发生后,中欧班列充分发挥“脉动”效应,为欧洲国家及时获得医疗物资和生活必需品搭建了绿色通道,有力、高效地促进了中欧及沿线国家的抗疫合作。 Second, the freight train service, as an artery of logistics, provides a fast track for Europe to acquire medical supplies and necessities, contributing to anti-virus cooperation between China, Europe and countries along the routes in an effective and efficient manner.
52829 疫情发生至今,中欧班列已累计发运防疫物资44.8万件,共计1440吨,送达意大利、德国、西班牙、捷克、波兰、匈牙利、荷兰、立陶宛等多国,并以这些国家为节点分拨到更多的欧洲国家。 Since COVID-19 broke out, the freight trains have sent a total of 1,440 tonnes of anti-epidemic supplies consisting of 448,000 pieces to Italy, Germany, Spain, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, the Netherlands, Lithuania and other countries, where some medical supplies were then transferred to other European countries.