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52830 三、疫情导致全球物流不畅,全球贸易出现萎缩。 Third, against the backdrop of lackluster global trade due to weakened logistics amid the pandemic,
52831 在此背景下,中欧班列的常态化稳定运行有助于货物和服务的跨境流动和企业复工复产,降低疫情对中欧产业链、供应链合作带来的冲击和影响,发挥了国际运输新动脉的作用。 regular operation of the China-Europe freight train service helps facilitate cross-border flow of goods and services as well as resumption of work and production, and mitigate the pandemic's impact on China-Europe cooperation in supply chains and industrial chains. This new artery is indeed playing its role in international transportation.
52832 四、中欧班列是中欧共建“一带一路”的重要成果和良好示范。 Fourth, the freight train service is an important outcome and exemplary project of the Belt and Road cooperation between China and Europe.
52833 下一步,中方将同欧方共同努力,在全力保障中欧班列正常有序运行基础上,进一步提升中欧班列的运力和效益, Going forward, China stands ready to work with the European side to maintain the normal, orderly operation of the freight train service, and further improve its capacity and profitability,
52834 继续拓展中欧及沿线国家国际物流合作,为各国携手抗击疫情,深化抗疫合作,高质量共建“一带一路”作出新的贡献。 expand transnational logistics cooperation with Europe and other countries along the routes, and make new contributions to joint pandemic response, better cooperation in fighting COVID-19, and quality BRI cooperation.
52835 路透社记者:据报道,美国网络安全公司“火眼”称,为越南政府工作的黑客尝试攻击了中国应急管理部、武汉市政府等参与应对新冠肺炎疫情有关部门的邮箱。 Reuters: I have a question about US cyber security firm FireEye which said hackers working for the Vietnamese government has attempted to break into email accounts of China's Ministry of Emergency Management and the government of Wuhan, essentially state institutions involved in the coronavirus response.
52836 中方能否证实?这些部门是否遭到了网络攻击?中方对此有何评论? Can you please confirm if there was such an attack? Was it successful? Do you have any other comment?
52837 耿爽:网络攻击是各国面临的共同威胁。 Geng Shuang: Cyber attacks are a common threat faced by all countries.
52838 在当前新冠肺炎疫情蔓延全球的背景下,针对抗疫机构的网络攻击无疑应当受到全世界人民的同声谴责。 In the context of the global spread of COVID-19, cyber attacks against departments fighting against the pandemic should undoubtedly be condemned by people all over the world.
52839 这也再次表明各国加强合作共同维护网络安全的重要性和紧迫性。 This once again demonstrates the importance and urgency of strengthening cooperation among countries to jointly safeguard cyber security.