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52840 中方作为网络攻击的主要受害者,愿同各方加强对话与合作,共同应对网络安全威胁,维护网络空间和平与稳定,打造网络空间命运共同体。 As a major victim of cyber attacks, China is ready to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with other parties to jointly address cyber security threats, safeguard peace and stability in cyberspace and build a community with a shared future in cyberspace.
52841 《北京日报》记者:22日,美国务卿蓬佩奥称,世卫组织需进行结构性调整,改正其缺陷。美不排除要求更换世卫组织负责人,甚至可能自此不再向世卫组织提供资金。中方对此有何评论? Beijing Daily: US Secretary of State Pompeo told the press on April 22 that WHO needs a structural fix to correct its shortcomings, warning that Washington may urge a change in leadership and may never restore funding to the organization. I wonder if China has any comment?
52842 耿爽:美方对世卫组织的攻击抹黑没有事实依据,施压胁迫更是不得人心。 Geng Shuang: The US has been smearing and attacking WHO without any factual basis. Its tactics of pressure and coercion will only draw greater disapprobation from the international community.
52843 新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,世卫组织在谭德塞总干事领导下,积极履行自身职责,秉持客观、公正、科学的态度,为协助各国应对疫情、推动国际抗疫合作发挥了重要作用。 Led by Director-General Tedros, WHO has been actively fulfilling its duties and playing an important role in coordinating international efforts to fight COVID-19 in an objective, fair and science-based manner.
52844 支持世卫组织就是捍卫多边主义的理念和原则,维护联合国的地位和权威。 supporting WHO helps upholding multilateralism and safeguarding the role and authority of the UN.
52845 事实上,一段时间以来,法国、德国、英国、加拿大、日本等许多国家领导人和联合国秘书长等国际组织负责人都对世卫组织表示支持。 In fact, support for WHO has recently poured in from the leadership of many countries and international organizations including France, Germany, the UK, Canada, Japan, and the UN.
52846 联合国大会通过决议,不结盟运动、“77国集团和中国”也专门发表声明肯定并支持谭德塞总干事领导下的世卫组织在抗击疫情中的领导作用。 Headed by Director-General Tedros, WHO's leadership is also endorsed in the UNGA resolution and statements by the Non-Aligned Movement and the Group of 77 and China.
52847 前不久召开的二十国集团领导人特别峰会发表声明也强调,完全支持并承诺进一步增强世卫组织在协调国际抗疫行动方面的职责。 In the statement of the recent G20 extraordinary summit, member states stressed that they fully support and commit to further strengthen the WHO's mandate in coordinating the international fight against the pandemic.
52848 这些都体现了国际社会的共同立场和普遍诉求。 All these facts demonstrate a common position and aspiration of the international community.
52849 至于美方暂停资助世卫组织,我们已经多次作出过回应。 As for the US suspending funding to WHO, we have offered China's response repeatedly.