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52850 这里我想强调的是,美国作为世卫组织会员国,缴纳会费是其作为会员国应当履行的法律义务,美暂停供资构成对其作为世卫组织会员国义务的根本违反,将严重危害全球抗疫合作并可能导致严重后果,受影响的是包括美国在内的世界各国,特别是医疗卫生系统脆弱的国家。 Here I would like to stress that WHO members have a legally-binding obligation to pay their assessed contributions, thus the US suspending funding is a fundamental violation of its membership duties, which will definitely deliver a hard blow to the international anti-virus cooperation and probably entail serious ramifications. It will affect all countries, including the US, and particularly those with vulnerable health systems.
52851 美国自恃世卫组织最大出资国,认为世卫组织应当听其指挥,这是典型的霸权心态。 The US assumes that WHO should do its bidding because it is the largest contributor. This is typical hegemonic mentality.
52852 当前,支持世卫组织发挥作用就能挽救更多的生命,就能阻止疫情进一步蔓延,这是绝大多数国家的共识,也是任何有良知的人应当做出的选择。 At present, by supporting WHO, we will be able to contain the further spread of the virus. It is literally a matter of life and death. This is a consensus shared by the majority of countries and a sure choice anyone with conscience would make.
52853 中国有句话,叫“得道多助,失道寡助”。我们希望美方不要站在国际社会的对立面。 In China, we say that a just cause will rally abundant support while an unjust one will find little. We hope that the US will not choose to be on the wrong side of the track from the international community.
52854 澎湃新闻记者:据报道,美国国务卿蓬佩奥23日接受采访时称,中国政府可能早在去年11月就掌握第一批病例,至少在去年12月中旬前就掌握。他们迟缓地告知世界上其他人,包括世卫组织。中方对此有何回应? The Paper: US Secretary of State Pompeo said yesterday that the first COVID-19 cases were known by the Chinese government in maybe as early as November, but certainly by mid-December, and they were slow to identify this for anyone in the world, including the World Health Organization. What's your response to his remarks?
52855 耿爽:蓬佩奥先生不要以为,自己在对外表态时,只要加上“可能”这个词就可以任意地进行栽赃。他的这些话毫无事实依据,完全是为了嫁祸于人而信口开河,与当前国际社会的普遍共识更是背道而驰。 Geng Shuang: Mr. Pompeo might think he could easily pin the blame on anyone so long as he adds the word "maybe". Well, that's not going to happen. His baseless remarks are purely to shift the blame onto others and run counter to the international consensus.
52856 中方在新冠肺炎疫情防控问题上始终秉持公开、透明、负责任的态度。 As we repeatedly point out, China has been fighting COVID-19 in an open, transparent and responsible manner.
52857 中方第一时间向世卫组织报告疫情,第一时间同世界各国分享新冠病毒基因序列,第一时间同国际社会开展疫情防控合作。 We reported the outbreak to WHO, shared the genome sequence of the virus with other countries, and carried out international cooperation to contain the virus, all at the earliest time possible.
52858 此前,中方已经以时间线的方式详细介绍了自去年12月底以来,中方及时发布疫情信息、分享防控经验、推进疫情防控国际合作等方面的主要事实。 We briefed you with a timeline of China's timely updates of the epidemics, sharing of experience and engagement in international cooperation since late-December last year.
52859 这里我可以和大家一起再回顾一下几个重要的时间节点: Here I'd like to reaffirm some important dates.