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52860 去年12月27日,湖北省中西医结合医院呼吸与重症医学科主任张继先上报了她接诊的可疑病例。 On December 27 last year, Dr. Zhang Jixian reported suspected cases. She is the director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care at Hubei Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine.
52861 12月29日,湖北省和武汉市卫健委指示相关疾控中心和医院开展流行病学调查。 On December 29, Hubei Provincial Health Commission and Wuhan Municipal Health Commission instructed related centers for disease control and prevention and hospitals to carry out epidemiological investigation.
52862 12月30日,武汉市卫健委向辖区医疗机构发布《关于做好不明原因肺炎救治工作的紧急通知》。 On December 30, Wuhan Municipal Health Commission issued an urgent notice to local health and medical institutions on the treatment of pneumonia of unknown cause.
52863 12月31日,国家卫健委派出工作组、专家组赶赴武汉市,指导做好疫情处置工作,开展现场调查。 On December 31, the NHC sent out working group and expert group to Wuhan to offer guidance on handling of the epidemic and investigate on site.
52864 从当日起,武汉市卫健委依法发布疫情信息。 On the same day, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission started releasing information on the epidemic.
52865 今年1月3日起,中方定期向世卫组织和包括美国在内的有关国家和地区及时、主动通报疫情信息。 On January 3, 2020, China started to send regular timely updates to WHO and other countries, including the US.
52866 1月20日至21日,世卫组织派团对武汉进行现场考察。 On January 20 and 21, a WHO delegation conducted a field visit to Wuhan.
52867 2月16日至24日,包括2名美国专家在内的中国—世卫组织联合专家考察组对中国进行了为期9天的考察。 From February 16 to 24, the China-WHO joint commission including two US experts conducted a nine-day field visit in China.
52868 3月12日,美国驻华使馆应邀出席中国国家卫健委同世卫组织共同举办的分享防治新冠肺炎中国经验国际通报会。 On March 12, China and WHO held an international briefing on China's experience in preventing and controlling COVID-19. Representatives of the US embassy in China attended the briefing upon invitation.
52869 3月29日,中美两国疾控中心举行视频会议,交流疫情信息,分享防控经验。 On March 29, the Chinese and US CDCs shared information and experience via video conference.