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52870 通过对上述重要时间节点的回顾,我们可以清楚地看出,疫情发生以来,中方及时对外提供信息,积极开展合作,这是无可争议的事实。 We can draw a clear conclusion from the above timeline that China has been actively and timely sharing information and conducting cooperation, which is an indisputable fact.
52871 无端质疑中国在疫情防控问题上的透明度,进行政治操弄,是对中国人民为防控疫情付出巨大努力和牺牲的不尊重。 Wantonly questioning China's transparency out of political motives is utter disrespect of the tremendous efforts and sacrifices of the Chinese people.
52872 我们希望美方个别人尊重科学,尊重事实,尊重国际公论,停止诋毁他国。 We hope someone in the US can respect facts, science and international consensus, and stop smearing other countries.
52873 他应当明白,美方的当务之急是聚焦国内疫情防控,加强抗疫国际合作,而不是混淆视听,转嫁责任。 He should understand that instead of muddying the waters to shift the blame, the most pressing task for the US is to focus on containing the spread of the virus at home and work to enhance international cooperation.
52874 深圳卫视记者:据澳大利亚《金融评论报》报道,尽管澳大利亚首例新冠病例来自中国武汉,但最新的基因组研究表明,澳最早期的病例也可能同时来自美国。中方对此有何评论? Shenzhen TV: Australian Financial Review reports that although the first known COVID-19 case in Australia came from the Chinese city of Wuhan, latest genetic study has shown that Australia's earliest cases possibly also came from the US. I wonder if you have a comment?
52875 耿爽:这一报道再次说明,新冠病毒源头和传播途径是一个复杂的科学问题,应当交由科学家和医学专家去研究。 Geng Shuang: The report once again shows that the origin and transmission routes of the novel coronavirus is a complicated scientific matter that should be the subject of study for scientists and medical experts.
52876 在科学界还没有明确定论之前,任何非专业人士匆忙下结论,是极其不负责任的行为,对国际社会合作抗击疫情没有任何好处。 Pending a clear conclusion from the science community, it is deeply irresponsible for any non-professionals to jump to conclusions as it will do no good to international cooperation in fighting the virus.
52877 流行性疾病不分国界和种族,是人类共同的敌人。 Infectious diseases respect no borders and don't distinguish between races. They are the common enemy of all mankind.
52878 国际社会只有合力应对,才能战而胜之。 The international community can only defeat them by pulling together.
52879 中方将继续与各国同舟共济、守望相助,携手赢得这场人类同重大传染性疾病的斗争。 China will continue to work hand in hand with other countries through mutual assistance to win this joint fight against the global pandemic.