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52880 《中国日报》记者:据美国有线电视新闻网、《纽约时报》等媒体报道,美国东北大学等多家机构研究显示,新冠肺炎疫情今年初就已在纽约、波士顿、旧金山、芝加哥、西雅图等多地“隐性暴发”。 China Daily: It is now widely reported by media like CNN and New York Times and institutions like the Northeastern University that hidden outbreaks were spreading almost completely undetected in New York, Boston, San Francisco, Chicago and Seattle early this year.
52881 据测算,截至3月1日,全美可能已有约28000人感染,而当时美国只有23例确诊病例。中方如何看待美国官方统计数据和实际可能感染人数之间这样的悬殊差距? According to estimates, there could have actually been about 28,000 infections by March 1 when the official tally of confirmed cases stood at just 23. There is this huge chasm between these two figures. What is your view on this?
52882 耿爽:我们也注意到最近有一些关于美国国内发现很早就有人感染新冠肺炎的报道。 Geng Shuang: We have also noted these recent reports that some Americans actually came down with the novel coronavirus long time ago.
52883 但我想你提的这个问题还是应当由美国政府来回答。 Still, I believe your question should be answered by the US government.
52884 中央电视台记者:中国政府向哈萨克斯坦派遣的抗疫医疗专家组已于4月23日回国,你能否简要介绍专家组在哈工作情况?中方提供了哪些帮助? CCTV: The medical experts sent by the Chinese government to Kazakhstan came back yesterday. Can you tell us about their work in Kazakhstan and what else will you do for the country?
52885 耿爽:中国政府向哈萨克斯坦派遣的这支医疗专家组由国家卫健委组建、新疆维吾尔自治区卫健委选派,是中方向中亚地区派出的首支医疗专家组。 Geng Shuang: The medical team to Kazakhstan was organized by the National Health Commission and consisted of professionals selected by the Health Commission of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. It was the first medical team sent to Central Asia by the Chinese government.
52886 过去两周,专家组在努尔苏丹、卡拉干达、阿拉木图三地抗疫一线开展工作,实地走访数十家医疗机构、高校和实验室进行交流、座谈,为万余名哈方医护人员提供咨询、培训,毫无保留地分享中方抗疫经验,很多有益的建议被哈方吸收采纳。 In the past two weeks, the medical experts worked on the frontline of Nursultan, Karaganda and Almaty, visited dozens of medical institutions, colleges and labs, shared their experience with and held consulting and training sessions for tens of thousands of medical personnel in Kazakhstan. Much of their advice was adopted by the Kazakh side.
52887 专家组用实际行动诠释了中哈睦邻友好精神,用医者仁心谱写了两国携手抗疫的感人篇章。 Their action and professionalism reflects the good neighborly and friendly relations between China and Kazakhstan and leaves behind a touching episode of the two sides' fighting side by side against the virus.
52888 哈萨克斯坦政府和民众给予专家组高度评价,哈萨克斯坦总理马明致信李克强总理表示感谢,哈卫生部昨天还向专家组颁发了奖章。 The Kazakh government and people spoke highly of the team, Kazakh Prime Minister Mamin sent a letter of thanks to Premier Li Keqiang, and the Kazakh health ministry conferred medals to the experts only yesterday.
52889 在哈期间,专家组同驻哈使领馆密切配合,同在哈中国同胞两次视频连线,答疑释惑,介绍防疫知识和居家隔离贴士,送去了祖国的关爱和温暖。 During their stay in Kazakhstan, the medical experts closely cooperated with Chinese diplomatic missions there and had two video conferences with Chinese nationals in Kazakhstan to answer questions, offer advice on how to prevent infection and quarantine at home, and convey to them the love, care and warmth from the motherland.