ID 原文 译文
52890 中亚国家都是中国的友好邻邦和战略伙伴,中国密切关注地区国家疫情发展,愿继续提供力所能及的帮助。 Central Asian countries are China's friendly neighbors and strategic partners. China closely follows the situation in the regional countries and is ready to continue helping them as much as we can.
52891 援哈医疗专家组已圆满完成任务,赴乌兹别克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦联合工作组正在当地开展工作。 The medical experts to Kazakhstan has completed their mission, and the teams to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are still working on the ground.
52892 中方将秉持人类命运共同体理念,继续同中亚国家加大相互支持,深化医疗卫生领域合作,为早日战胜疫情凝聚信心和力量。 With a vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, China will continue enhancing mutual support with Central Asian countries, deepening medical and health cooperation, and strengthening confidence and capabilities to defeat the virus at an early date.
52893 中新社记者:据报道,4月22日,文莱皇家航空公司的包机接运恒逸实业(文莱)有限公司中国籍员工赴文莱复工。中方对此有何评论? China News Service: On April 22, a charter flight of Royal Brunei Airlines flew Chinese employees of the Hengyi Industries Sdn. Bhd., a joint petrochemical venture between China and Brunei, back to Brunei to resume work. Do you have a comment?
52894 耿爽:当前,中方正在常态化疫情防控中全面推进国内复工复产达产,同时也在积极指导和帮助中资企业推进海外项目的正常运转。 Geng Shuang: At present, while normalizing epidemic prevention and control, China is comprehensively promoting the resumption of production at full capacity, and actively guiding and helping Chinese enterprises to restore normal operation of overseas projects.
52895 恒逸石化项目是中文共建“一带一路”的重点项目。 Hengyi's oil refinery and petrochemical project is a key part of China-Brunei BRI cooperation.
52896 双方共同安排中国籍员工返文,充分体现了两国携手抗击疫情、推进合作的积极意愿,有助于两国持续推进经济社会发展。 The arrangement made by the two sides for the return of Chinese employees fully demonstrates the positive will of the two countries to jointly combat the pandemic and promote cooperation, which is conducive to the sustained economic and social development of the two countries.
52897 中方愿同各国一道,在积极抗击疫情的同时,加强国际合作,全力维护全球产业链、供应链稳定,把疫情对世界经济的影响降到最低。 China is ready to work with other countries to actively combat the pandemic, strengthen international cooperation, and make every effort to maintain the stability of the global industrial and supply chains, so as to minimize the adverse impact of the pandemic on the world economy.
52898 《北京青年报》记者:近日,《洛杉矶时报》等报纸发表评论文章,认为美国正处于前所未有的国家紧急状态,但美国政客却忙于向中国“甩锅”,推卸责任。 Beijing Youth Daily: Los Angeles Times and other newspapers published a commentary the other day saying that the US is deep in the throes of an unprecedented national emergency, but US politicians are busy blaming China and shifting responsibility.
52899 这篇文章认为,大疫当前,相互指责、把疫情政治化都无济于事,美国政府应该集中精力战胜疫情。中方对此有何评论? The article went on to say that in the face of the pandemic, recrimination and politicization won't help. This is the time for the US government to focus on defeating the virus. What is your comment?