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52930 Preventive therapies for pregnant women and children must be maintained. 必须继续维持孕妇和儿童的预防性治疗。
52931 The provision of prompt diagnostic testing and effective antimalarial medicines are also essential to prevent a mild case of malaria from progressing to severe illness and death.  提供及时的诊断检测和有效的抗疟药物对于防止轻症疟疾发展为严重疾病甚至死亡也至关重要。
52932 WHO and partners have developed guidance to ensure that those suffering from malaria can safely receive the care they need within the package of essential health services to be delivered in COVID-19 settings.  世卫组织和合作伙伴制定了指南,以确保疟疾患者能够通过在COVID-19环境下提供的一揽子基本保健服务安全地获得所需的护理。
52933 Tailoring malaria interventions in COVID-19 response includes guidance on the prevention of infection through vector control and chemoprevention, testing, treatment of cases, clinical services, supply chain and laboratory activities. 在应对COVID19疫情的同时调整疟疾干预措施包括通过媒介控制和化学预防、检测、病例治疗、临床服务、供应链和实验室活动预防感染的指导。
52934 Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, WHO has seen a dramatic increase in the number of cyber attacks directed at its staff, and email scams targeting the public at large.  自COVID19大流行开始以来,世界卫生组织发现针对其工作人员的网络攻击和针对广大公众的电子邮件诈骗数量急剧增加。
52935 This week, some 450 active WHO email addresses and passwords were leaked online along with thousands belonging to others working on the novel coronavirus response.  本周,大约450个有效的世卫组织电子邮件地址和密码,以及属于其他新型冠状病毒应对人员的数千个邮址和密码在网上被泄露。
52936 The leaked credentials did not put WHO systems at risk because the data was not recent. 被泄露的证书因数据不是最新的,所以未将世卫组织的系统置于危险之中。
52937 However, the attack did impact an older extranet system, used by current and retired staff as well as partners.  然而,这次攻击着实影响了一个仍被现任和退休职员以及合作伙伴使用的旧外联网系统。
52938 WHO is now migrating affected systems to a more secure authentication system.  世卫组织正在将受影响的系统迁移到更安全的认证系统。
52939 Scammers impersonating WHO in emails have also increasingly targeted the general public in order to channel donations to a fictitious fund and not the authentic COVID-19 Solidary Response Fund. 在电子邮件中冒充世卫组织的骗子还日益将目标对准普通公众,企图将捐款转入一个虚构的基金,而不是真正的COVID-19团结应对基金。