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52940 The number of cyber attacks is now more than five times the number directed at the Organization in the same period last year.  针对本组织的网络攻击次数现在是去年同期的五倍以上。
52941 “Ensuring the security of health information for Member States and the privacy of users interacting with us a priority for WHO at all times, but also particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. 确保会员国卫生信息的安全以及与我们互动用户的隐私始终是世卫组织的一个 优先事项,尤其是在COVID-19大流行期间。
52942 We are grateful for the alerts we receive from Member States and the private sector. 我们感谢会员国和私营部门向我们发出警报。
52943 We are all in this fight together,” said Bernardo Mariano, WHO’s Chief Information Officer. 这关系到我们所有人,我们必须共同对抗。世卫组织首席信息官Bernardo Mariano表示。
52944 WHO is working with the private sector to establish more robust internal systems and to strengthen security measures and is educating staff on cybersecurity risks.  世卫组织正与私营部门合作,建立更强有力的内部系统,加强安全措施,并对工作人员进行网络安全风险教育。
52945 WHO asks the public to remain vigilant against fraudulent emails and recommends the use of reliable sources to obtain factual information about COVID-19 and other health issues.  世卫组织请公众对欺诈性电子邮件保持警惕,并建议使用可靠的来源获取关于COVID-19和其他健康问题的真实信息。
52946 Shutting down immunization services in the COVID-19 pandemic risks triggering a resurgence of diseases that can be prevented with safe and effective vaccines, warns WHO in the lead-up to World Immunization Week (24-30 April).   世界卫生组织在世界免疫周(4月24日至30日)前夕警告说,在COVID19大流行期间停止免疫服务会导致相关疾病卷土重来风险,而这些疾病本可通过安全有效的疫苗加以预防。
52947 When immunization services are disrupted, even for brief periods during emergencies, the risk of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks, such as measles and polio, increase. 如果免疫服务中断,即便是在紧急情况下短时期内,麻疹和脊灰等疫苗可预防疾病暴发的风险也会增加。
52948 Last year’s deadly measles outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which took more than 6000 lives in a country already facing its largest Ebola outbreak, highlights the importance of maintaining essential health services, such as immunization in times of emergency. 去年在刚果民主共和国暴发的致命的麻疹疫情在一个本已面临最严重埃博拉疫情的国家夺走了6000多人的生命,这突显了在紧急情况下继续提供基本卫生服务(例如免疫)的重要性。
52949 Further disease outbreaks will also overwhelm health systems already battling the impacts of COVID-19. 疾病进一步暴发还将使已经在与COVID-19影响作斗争的卫生系统不堪重负。