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52950 “Disease outbreaks must not remain a threat when we have safe and effective vaccines to protect us,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. 世卫组织总干事谭德塞博士说:当我们拥有安全有效的疫苗可保护我们自身时,疾病暴发决不能继续构成威胁。
52951 “While the world strives to develop a new vaccine for COVID-19 at record speed, we must not risk losing the fight to protect everyone, everywhere against vaccine-preventable diseases. 尽管全世界都在努力以创纪录速度开发COVID19新疫苗,但我们决不能冒险,输掉保护每个地方的每个人防范疫苗可预防疾病这场战斗。
52952 These diseases will come roaring back if we do not vaccinate.” 如果我们不接种疫苗,这些疾病将卷土重来。
52953 WHO is working with partners all over the world to accelerate research and development of a safe and effective vaccine and ensure equitable access for the billions of people who will need it. 世卫组织正在与世界各地的合作伙伴合作,以加快研发安全有效的疫苗,并确保数十亿有需求的人能够公平获得疫苗。
52954 But even with an expedited process, development of a vaccine for COVID-19 will take time. 但是,即便是过程加快,开发COVID19疫苗仍需要时间。
52955 Precautionary measures are essential now to help keep us safe from disease, including diseases for which vaccines already protect children and adults. 现在,采取预防性措施至关重要,这将有助于我们防范疾病,包括疫苗已经在保护儿童和成人的疾病。
52956 Too many people are still excluded from the benefits of vaccines 仍有许多人无法享受疫苗的好处
52957 Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the world had made immense progress in ensuring that children are vaccinated. 在COVID19大流行之前,在确保儿童接种疫苗方面世界取得了长足进展。
52958 In 2018 nearly 20 million children worldwide more than 1 in 10 missed out on lifesaving vaccines, such as measles, diphtheria and tetanus. 2018年,全世界将近2000万儿童(十分之一以上)错过了接种麻疹-白喉-破伤风等挽救生命的疫苗。
52959 Roughly, 13 million of the children have never received any vaccines, putting them and their communities at risk of disease and death. 大约有1300万儿童从未接种过任何疫苗,使得他们及其社区面临患病和死亡的危险。