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52960 The majority of these children live in countries with already fragile health systems, further limiting their access to essential health services when they fall sick. 这些儿童中的绝大多数生活在卫生系统原本脆弱的国家,这进一步限制了他们在生病时获得基本卫生服务的机会。
52961 Measles continues to remain an ever-present threat, especially if vaccination rates drops. 麻疹仍然是一种持续存在的威胁,尤其是在疫苗接种率下降的情况下。
52962 Current projections indicate that the number of reported measles cases for 2019 will be at least 800 000. 当前的预测表明,2019年可能有多达80万人感染了这种疾病。
52963 In 2020 there are increasing concerns about another resurgence, especially if vaccination rates fall due to delay or suspension of scheduled immunization activities as a result of COVID-19.  2020年,人们越来越担忧会再度卷土重来,尤其是如果因COVID19预定免疫活动延迟或暂停而导致疫苗接种率下降。
52964 Outbreaks of polio, diphtheria and yellow fever are also of high concern, especially in the countries least able to respond quickly and decisively to address an emerging outbreak, as seen in previous emergencies such as the polio outbreak in Syria in 2013.   脊灰、白喉和黄热病暴发也令人高度关切,尤其是在那些最无能力快速、果断地应对疫情暴发的国家,在先前的紧急情况(例如2013年叙利亚的脊灰疫情)中便是如此。
52965 Maintaining immunization services during COVID-19 在COVID-19期间继续提供免疫服务
52966 As the response to COVID-19 continues, countries must act now protect immunization services, in order to further minimize disease outbreaks and loss of life. 随着COVID19应对工作的继续,各国必须立即行动起来保护免疫服务,以进一步减少疾病暴发和生命损失。
52967 This includes, facilitating urgent catch up programmes in places where services have been disrupted, ensuring strong supply chains, disease surveillance and trained health workers. 这包括在服务已经中断的地方便利出台紧急强化免疫规划,确保强大的供应链、疾病监测和训练有素的卫生工作者。
52968 Caregivers should also make sure they continue to vaccinate their children in line with national policies. 照护者还应保证继续按照国家政策为儿童接种。
52969 New WHO guidelines on immunization and COVID-19 recommend that governments temporarily pause preventive immunization campaigns where there is no active outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease.  世卫组织关于免疫与COVID19的新指南建议,政府在疫苗可预防疾病没有真正暴发时暂停预防性免疫运动。