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52970 But it urges countries prioritize the continuation of routine immunization of children in essential service delivery, as well as adult vaccinations such as influenza for groups most at risk. 但是,它敦促各国重点考虑在基本服务提供中继续开展儿童常规免疫工作,并为风险最大人群接种流感等成人疫苗。
52971 If immunization services must be suspended, urgent catch-up vaccinations should be rescheduled as soon as possible, prioritizing those most at risk. 如果必须暂停免疫服务,应尽快重新安排紧急强化免疫接种,重点考虑风险最大人群。
52972 The coronavirus pandemic has triggered movement restrictions all over the world. 新冠大流行导致世界各地采取了限制移动的措施。
52973 In South Sudan, FAO has had to find new ways to work in order to get much-needed seeds to farmers in time for the coming planting season. 粮农组织必须找到新的工作方式,在即将到来的种植季之前,及时为南苏丹农民送去急需的种子。
52974 Without these seeds, farming families could face a food crisis within the global health crisis. 没有这些种子,当地农户除了面临当前这场席卷全球的卫生危机之外,还有可能面临粮食危机。
52975 “If we miss this planting season, farming families could fall into a hunger catastrophe in a few months’ time,” says FAO Representative in South Sudan Meshack Malo, speaking from Juba. 粮农组织驻南苏丹代表Meshack Malo在朱巴接受采访时说:如果我们错过此次 种植季,种植户可能会在几个月内陷入饥荒。
52976 FAO has an enormous challenge of distributing around 10 000 metric tons of seeds to vulnerable farmers who otherwise wouldn’t be able to plant. 粮农组织面临向脆弱农民分发约1万吨种子的巨大考验,拿不到种子这些农民将无法种植。
52977 The huge volume of seeds maize, sorghum, groundnuts, cowpeas and vegetables such as tomatoes and eggplants would fill a fleet of more 300 18-wheeler lorries.   包括玉米、高梁、落花生、豇豆和番茄、茄子等蔬菜在内的大量种子将载满三百多辆18轮大卡车。
52978 It is enough to grow around 800 000 metric tons of food to feed several hundreds of thousands of people. 这些种子足以产出约80万吨粮食,养活几十万人。
52979 In the Equatorial States rains have already started and hopes are high for a good growing season if the seeds can arrive on time.  赤道各州已经开始降雨,如果种子能准时送达,就有望迎来茂盛的生长季。