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52980 “We are determined to overcome the challenges that coronavirus has presented, and that means working in an agile way to find solutions to ensure farmers can plant this season,” Malo says. Malo说:我们有决心克服新冠疫情带来的挑战,因此我们要寻找灵活的解决方案,确保农民在当季完成种植。
52981 “We need to ensure borders and transport routes can remain open for these essential life-saving deliveries,” he says. “我们要确保各国能够为这些拯救生命的重要物资开放边境和运输路线。”他表示。
52982 The FAO team, in partnership with the government, sought an agreement to allow the transportation of seeds to the counties and villages where they are needed most. 粮农组织与南苏丹政府合作,寻求各方许可,以便将种子运送到最需要的城市和乡村。
52983 By moving quickly, FAO has so far delivered 4 000 metric tons of seeds and hand tools, with more to come.   因为行动迅速,粮农组织迄今已运送了4000吨种子和手工农具,未来还将运输更多物资。
52984 Ensuring health and safety 保证人员健康和安全
52985 FAO is also changing the way it works to ensure the safety of community members and staff.  粮农组织还改变了工作方式,以确保社区成员和工作人员的安全。
52986 Seed fairs, where farmers and seed traders are brought together by FAO, have been suspended. Instead, FAO is providing cash to vulnerable farmers so that they can purchase seeds directly from vendors. 粮农组织已暂停了聚集农民和种子贸易商的种子交易会,改为向贫困农民提供现金,方便他们直接向供应商购买种子。
52987 Around 25 percent of the seeds are sourced locally, meaning shorter value chains and less logistical hurdles to get the seeds from the producers to where they’re needed.  大约25%的种子从当地采购,这意味着价值链缩短,将种子从生产地运输到目 的地的物流障碍更少。
52988 To encourage physical distancing, seed distributions are taking place in villages rather than at the county level so that fewer people are brought together at one time. 为确保人员之间保持一定距离,种子的分发工作调整为在村一级而非县一级进行,以减少分发工作聚集的人流。
52989 In the past, 500 households or more could be reached in one day, but now with the new safety measures the same delivery is taking several days. 以前,种子可以在一天内分发至500户或更多家庭,但现在实行了新的安全措施,配送同样的数目需要花费好几天时间。