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52990 FAO has engaged more partners to rapidly multiply the number of distribution points, and new guidelines for partners include protective measures to guard against COVID-19 such as the use of face masks and gloves. 粮农组织已吸纳更多配送伙伴,以快速增加分发点,并在配送守则中增加了新冠疫情防护措施,包括使用口罩和佩戴手套等。
52991 Posters encourage community members to maintain a safe distance from one another, and hand washing facilities are provided.  粮农组织还提供疫情宣传海报,鼓励社区成员彼此保持安全距离,并提供洗手设施。
52992 Delivering quality in challenging times 困难时期保证种子质量 
52993 We’re expecting that operations will take longer. 我们预计实际行动将需要更长的时间。
52994 Even something like loading a truck will be slower as people observe physical distancing,” Shawn McGuire, a seed specialist at FAO, says. 由于需要遵守保持一定距离的规定,像卡车装货这样的工作也会减慢。” 粮农组织种子专家Shawn Mcguire表示。
52995 Movement restrictions mean European labs are cut off, so McGuire has co-produced a guide for in-country sampling and testing to ensure seed quality. 限制移动意味着欧洲实验室通路被切断。鉴于此,McGuire联合其他人共同制订了国内取样和测试指南,以保证种子质量。
52996 “If we wait too long for testing then the seeds could die, but we also need to ensure their quality before we distribute them, 如果测试等待时间过长,种子就可能死亡,但同时我们必须确保分发的种子是合格的。
52997 so we’re finding ways to make the process work despite the challenges that COVID-19 is presenting,” he says. 因此,尽管面临疫情带来的种种挑战,我们还是想方设法找到了一些可行办法。”他说。
52998 Staying safe  保持安全
52999 Working with the UN Mission to South Sudan (UNMISS), FAO has offered livelihood support to people living in the highly-congested Internally Displaced Persons and Protection of Civilians camps in Wau if they choose to return to their villages, in an effort to protect them from the virus.  居住在Wau高度拥挤的境内流离失所者和平民保护营的人们如果选择返回自己的村庄,粮农组织与联合国南苏丹特派团(UNMISS)会共同向他们提供生计支持,以保护他们免受新冠病毒侵袭。