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53000 Each household willing to return home has received crop and vegetable seeds, a fishing kit and essential agricultural hand tools so they can resume farming. 每个愿意返乡的家庭都收到了粮食和蔬菜种子、渔具及基本手工农具,帮助他们在返乡后恢复耕作。
53001 FAO’s Victor Onenchan is an Area Coordinator in South Sudan and organizes seed and tool distributions. Victor Onechan是粮农组织南苏丹地区协调员,负责组织种子和工具的分发工作
53002 “We have spoken to community members about the virus and explained why they need to keep their distance. 我们向社区成员介绍了新冠病毒,解释了为什么需要彼此保持距离。
53003 It was strange to them at first, but they took it positively,” he said. 大家起初觉得奇怪,但对此做法积极接受。”他表示。 
53004 Like many people around the world at the moment, Onenchan is working from home rather than going into the office each day. 和全世界许多人一样,Onenchan目前每天居家办公,避免去办公室。
53005 In Juba, his electricity is supplied by a generator so when it cuts out as it sometimes does, the internet is also cut off. 在朱巴,他家中的电是由一台发电机提供的,所以有时发电中断,互联网也会被切断。 
53006 “But we are still managing to work, and the seeds are moving,” he says.   “但我们仍在想方设法开展工作,种子正在运送中。”他说。 
53007 This year, despite the coronavirus, FAO plans to reach 4.8 million people or around 800 000 vulnerable households with livelihood support. 尽管今年遭遇了新冠疫情,粮农组织仍计划向480万人(或约80万户贫困家庭)提供生计支持。
53008 FAO’s emergency work in South Sudan is funded by the Governments of the United Kingdom (UK Aid), the United States (USAID), the Netherlands, Norway, the United Nations Central Emergency Fund (CERF) and the South Sudan Humanitarian Fund. 粮农组织在南苏丹的应急行动由英国(UK Aid)、美国(USAID)、荷兰和挪威 政府、联合国中央应急基金(CERF)以及南苏丹人道主义基金提供资助。
53009 COVID-19 has spawned a range of disinformation types and responses, created by many different actors. 新冠疫情催生了多种虚假信息和对策,它们来自众多不同的主体。