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53010 The Policy Briefs assess nine types of coronavirus disinformation across four format modes, and identify ten categories of responses being mobilized, often with implications on freedom of expression, around the world. 《政策简报》用4种模式评估了关于新冠病毒的9类虚假信息,并总结了世界各地正在实施的10类对策,这些对策往往影响言论自由。
53011 Disinformation is disempowering, by working diametrically against access to verifiable and reliable information that makes the right to  freedom of expression meaningful. 虚假信息剥夺了人们的权能,因为它完全不利人们获取可验证和可靠的信息,从而使言论自由权失去了意义。
53012 UN Secretary General António Guterres has called for “countering the scourge of misinformation - a poison putting more lives at risk.” 联合国秘书长古特雷斯呼吁“打击错误信息,因它是一种危及更多生命的毒药。”
53013 1 Early in the crisis, on the 2nd of February 2020, the World Health Organization described the “massive infodemic”2 impeding access to trustworthy sources and reliable information. [1]在危机初期,2020年2月2日,世界卫生组织指出一场“大规模的虚假信息大流行”[2]正在阻碍人们获取可靠的信息。
53014 The policy briefs invite UNESCO Member States, Internet communications companies, news publishers, service providers and regulators, journalists, civil society organisations and other key stakeholders to help “flatten the curve” of the  COVID-19 disinfodemic.  《政策简报》呼吁教科文组织会员国、互联网通信企业、新闻机构、服务提供者和监管机构、记者、公民社会组织和其他主要利益相关方共同平抑新冠疫情虚假信息大流行的“增长曲线”。
53015 The focus is on four goals designed to: 《政策简报》提出了四大目标:
53016 Effectively contain and counter dangerous falsehoods caused by misinformation and  disinformation; 有效遏制和打击虚假信息造成的有害谣言;
53017 Assist UNESCO Member States to align their disinfodemic responses to international human rights standards on freedom of expression, access to information, and privacy; 协助教科文组织会员国调整其在言论自由、信息获取和隐私权方面的对策,使之符合国际人权标准;
53018 Empower citizens through media and information literacy skills; 通过媒体和信息素养技能赋能公民;
53019 Support quality independent journalism to provide verifiable and reliable information. 支持优质的独立新闻报道,以提供可核实和可靠的信息。